Chapter eighteen

Zain had heard of how strict Mr Jonas is, but he never thought it would be to the extent of firing him just because he asks to see him, it couldn't be that bad right, maybe cat was just exaggerating to scare him off, he's still going to push his luck no matter what.

"and am not exaggerating if that what's you are thinking" cat voice came from behind ' damn how did she know what I was thinking ' Zain thought to himself "is it really that bad?" Zain asked "remind me when you got into the company again" cat asked "uhhmm it's been six months" Zain replied "you are still very new, do you want to get fired just like that?" cat asked, Zain was dumbfounded he didn't know what to say anymore "see I don't know what you need from the vice president, but you need to understand that this is a company and we have protocols, if you have any complaint you can talk to your team manager and have him go through the normal process, the vice president is not just someone you can see just like that, you can be tagged as negligent to your work, that's why you are here, about two to three people get fired every year for this same issue, have been working here for close to ten years, I've seen this play out a lot, do you understand, Mr Jonas is next to the president and chairman of this corporation, you need to go through protocols, even I can't see him unless being summoned, now go back to work and talk to your team if the reason you are here is so necessary and important" cat lectured

Zain suddenly felt like dying, which kind of stupid protocol is that, who in the world made such a law, ' what in the world am I going to do now ' Zain thought to himself, how in the world was he going to face Jane now,he had promised her, she was really happy when he told her he would get her a job, his face suddenly became gloomy and sad

cat noticed how his mood changed and how reluctant he was to go back to his office, what could be so important that he needed to see Mr Jonas for, he even looked lost in thought "do you need a salary upfront?" cat asked him, that would certainly be the problem "Zain am talking to you" cat said again

cat's words jolted Zain back to reality "uhmmm am so sorry I was lost in thought, you said something?" Zain asked. "yes I asked if you needed a salary upfront, is that the problem" cat asked "uhmmm no that's not the problem"Zain replied sadness evident in his voice "then what is it?" cat asked again, she really wanted to know why this young man was so disoriented like this, "uhmm actually, I need a favour from him" Zain said "okay what sort of favour?" cat asked.

Zain walked closer to cat and leaned toward her desk and whispered "actually a friend of mine really needs a job, like her life depends on this, so I was thinking if Mr Jonas could fix her somewhere" Zain replied "why don't you check the welfare department and see if there's any vacancy, that's what you should have done" cat interjected "well there are no any vacancy, that's why am coming to the vice president" Zain replied "well then wait till when there's a vacancy" cat replied "I don't think they will be any vacancy soon unless someone resigns we took in new intakes just last week and besides the person in question doesn't have any degree she didn't attend college" Zain said " so how do you expect this person to work in the company?" cat asked with sarcasm "actually that's why I wanted to see Mr Jonas, maybe he can fix her in the cafeteria or something, or even recommend her somewhere" Zain interjected "oh I see, well I don't think Mr Jonas will be interested in helping you with such he's too busy, but let me check for you on my end, is that okay?" cat said "really you can do that?" Zain face lit up with smiles "yes am not promising you but I can try" cat said smiling "oh thank you thank you very much, am so grateful" zain said happily "calm down okay, have not even gotten the person the job". cat said

"well the fact that you are trying to help me means a lot to me, thank you very much" Zain said "alright fine now get back to work okay?" cat said "sure sure am off already" Zain replied and walked out of the vice president office area

Zain got back to his desk, even though things had not gone the way he wanted but at least he still had some hope, he just hope cat is able to help him "you are back?" Sylvia voice came from behind "oh yes am back" Zain replied her with her smile

' he was doing it again, he was smiling at her ' she thought to herself, she quickly brushed the thought away she wouldn't want Zain catching her spacing out again, this time she wouldn't have any excuse to bail herself out "want to grab lunch later together" Sylvia asked him "oh sure let me know when you are going we will go together" Zain replied, he was not the type to eat together with people he preferred to eat and even be alone, but today he was happy, if cat can help him find Jane a job, it could help him get closer to her and the thought of it really intrigues him, he can't wait to see her again today