Chapter thirty seven

Jane felt the urge to stay right there and keep study those pictures especially the one of the young master, she had never seen anyone so handsome and godlike in her life, not even the models in the magazine and TV looked that good, she wanted to continue when she heard her phone ringing, she quickly stepped outside the main house to pick the call

she managed to bring the phone out of her bag, she looked at the screen, it was Zain, she was a little reluctant to pick it up, even though she had really forgiven him, she still didn't want them to have any close relationship of any sort, especially after he had confessed his feelings to her this morning, she didn't want to lead him on and give him the wrong impression

she would definitely find a way to talk to him about this, she would never fall in love with any man, not after what that monster did to her, she already had a man in her life and that was her son, he is more than enough

she finally picked the call after it had rung for the third time, " hello " she greeted

"hey Jane, good evening, how was your day?" Zain asked nervously, after what happened yesterday, he had to be careful of how he spoke and approached her

"it was good,thanks for asking" Jane answered

"I was thinking if you wouldn't mind if I pick you up, so we can head home together" Zain explained

"uhmm no it's okay, you can ahead, I will find my way, but thanks anyways" Jane replied

"well, I guess that's too late now, am already at the front of the mansion" Zain said

"oh okay, I will be right outside" Jane said and hung up, he just won't give up, would he?, she thought to herself, there was no point in arguing with him over the phone, she would just give him a piece of her mind when she sees him

Zain was surprised she agreed, he had thought he would have to make so many sermon, thank God he thought

Jane got the gate minutes after, it didn't take her that long to get to the gate today, it must be because she wasn't admiring all the flowers like yesterday, she giggled at the thought

she got to where Zain was, he was leaning on his car, he really was waiting for her, "good evening, thanks for picking me up" Jane said

"hey Jane it really isn't a issue, am glad to do it" Zain replied

"but are you sure it's really okay for you to leave work early all the time, I don't want to you getting fired because of me, and am besides am no longer an adult, am a mother and I can take care very good care of myself, you won't be here to bring and pick me up from work, so please let me learn how to do it myself" she complained

"am really sorry, I just want to be of help to you" Zain replied

"I know and I really do appreciate you, but please don't spoil me, and it's for your own good you might get fired" she said putting her hands on her waist

"sure, this would be the last time, I promise" he didn't want to agree but he had no choice, she was right anyways, his team leader had complained this afternoon, he was taking too many leaves lately

"good now let's go" she said and got into the car

They arrived home about thirty minutes ago, Zain had gone home to freshen up and also get John ready, she has also taken a shower and put on something more comfortable

Mrs Whitney was almost done with cooking when they got home, she was only helping her serve the food, the door bell rang, that must be Zain, she thought

Mrs Whitney got the door, Jane had already told her what happened between them this morning, "good evening Zain, good evening John" Mrs Whitney welcomed them

"good evening Mrs Whitney" john greeted back grinning, his uncle had told him they were invited him for dinner, he was such a foodie and he always looked forward to her meals, he left his uncle's hands and walked straight into the house, he needed to find Christopher

"good evening Mrs Whitney, you look beautiful this evening" Zain complimented

"oh thank you so much Zain, you don't look has yourself" she complimented him back, he really was good at flattering women, if only Jane could just like him back, they would make a lovely couple, she quickly pushed we thought back and ushered Zain inside the dinning area

the dinner went so well, john couldn't get enough, Mrs Whitney had prepared so many food, most of which were Jane's favourite, and she made sure she gave Zain a lot of food as well and even gave him a takeaway pack, thanks to him that Jane had gotten the job

dinner was over, Zain stood up holding john, even though the little boy was reluctant to go, but Zain had to remind him that tomorrow was school

they bided their goodbyes and left

Jane left what she was doing at the kitchen the moment she saw Zain leave , she needed to talk to him

"am coming Mrs Whitney, I just need to talk to Zain about something I will back in a jiffy" she said and walked outside the door

Jane had gone a little bit far but she made sure sure she caught up with him

"hey Zain wait up" Jane called after him

Zain heard the familiar voice that was calling his name, and turned back, lo and behold it was the love of his life, if only she was running after him like this to give him a goodnight kiss, he was sure he would have the best night ever, ' what are you thinking about again ' he scolded himself

he chuckled, no matter how much he tried to stop thinking about such things, he just couldn't help it, he really wants to fuck her till she doesn't remember her name ' damn it Zain, stop it ' he scolded himself again