Chapter thirty nine

Jane got into the house and slammed the door, thankfully there was no one in sight, they must have gone to bed, she thought

she got into her room and slumped on the floor, she wanted nothing more in the world right now than to cry her eyes out, she feels so hurt at the moment, she wish she could go back in time and stop she and Cassie from leaving the orphanage that morning, maybe if they are had left the next day, she would never have been raped by that monster and they would still be together by now

only God knows where cassie must be at the moment, what was she doing right now, she misses her friend so so much, she couldn't help but just cry out all her anger and frustration

Jane woke up to burning sunlight, for a moment she didn't recognize where she was or who she was, her brain could only process the fact that they was a not too old lady standing in front of her with her hands on her hips

"hey Jane ain't you going to work today?" Mrs Whitney asked as she was busy picking the papers on the floor "and what are these?" she asked another question

' Jane, work, paper? ' holy shit she was supposed to be at the mansion early this morning, the young master was coming back today

"what time is it, why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Jane scolded

"that's exactly what have been doing for the past fifteen minutes, I was almost going to pour hot water on you" Mrs defended

Jane didn't have the time to banter words with Mrs Whitney this morning, this already past eight and she was supposed to be at the mansion by ten, she spent most of the night crying, then she remembered that she was supposed to read and memorize the young master's daily routine, gosh, Estella was going to kill her if she didn't do a good job

she dashed out of the bathroom ten minutes later, she quickly got dressed and left her room, she was wearing a faded blue jeans and spaghetti white top, she packed her hair in a ponytail and tied a red scarf, she wore a red sandal to match and carried a black bag, she didn't have the time for make up so she didn't apply any

she quickly ran out of her room and rushed towards the door

"ain't you going to take breakfast?" Mrs Whitney asked

"no Mrs Whitney am already super late I don't have the time for that, I will just grab something on my way" she replied

"good morning mummy" Chris spoke from behind her

how could she forget that she has a son, she walked to where he was seated, he was also preparing for school, "good morning champ, how are you this morning?" she kissed him on the cheek

"mummy has to go already I will see you when I get back okay?"

"okay, mummy bye"

"bye darling, listen to your grandma okay?"

"okay" Chris nodded

"bye Mrs Whitney, gotta go" Jane said and left the house


Maria is so happy to have all her children come back home today, Kyle will coming back home with his father this evening to welcome both his sister and brother

her thoughts got interrupted by Charles

"madam your phone is ringing, it's Christopher" Charles said

"my son is calling" Maria asked surprised, she didn't wait for him to even answer, she grabbed the phone from his hands and picked it

"hello son, how are you doing?" Maria asked

"am doing very well mom, I'm just calling to let you know that I will be home in about ten hours, we are already on board" Christopher spoke from the other end of the phone

"we await your return, have you heard from grace?" Maria asked

"we spoke yesterday, she should be home before me" Christopher replied

Maria wanted to continue when Chris spoke

"I have to go home mom, I will see you when I get back, I love you" Christopher said

"I love you too son" Maria said and hung up

"he said he will be home in ten hours, I can't wait to see him Charles" Maria said to Charles her face filled with excitement

"we all are, if you would excuse me madam, I need to leave, we have a lot of preparations to make" Charles said

"of course you can leave, I also have things to do" Maria said and dismissed him

"is Jane here yet?" she asked

"no she's not, but she will be here soon" Charles said

"please put a call through to her, she has a lot to do" Maria instructed

"yes ma'am" Charles said and left

"Are we ready to fly Jack?" Christopher asked coldly

"yes boss, we are ready to fly" Jack answered

Christopher didn't say anything but just went to his seat, jack was already used to his boss, cold and arrogant behavior, after all he has been working with him for the past three years, he never says ' thank you or please ' it's like he doesn't even know the meaning of those words or he has never heard them before

Jack left to tell the pilot to fly the jet, they were ready to take off

Christopher sat down and brought out a golden box, he had kept this particular box with him for the past five years, he opened it and brought out the bracelet in it, this is the only evidence he has of the girl he had raped and defiled years ago

the air and aura arround him immediately grew colder and darker as he flashbacked he had accidently stumbled upon the bracelet the day he was leaving his family and county to fly abroad, he found it in his car

the bracelet must have mistakenly stuck on his clothe that day, ever since then he had kept the bracelet with him, he cherishes it more than everything that he has