Chapter forty five

Jane went to the kitchen to grab her bag, she quickly looked for her phone, she had not laid her eyes on it since last night, she must have had a lot of missed call, she thought

she brought out her phone and saw eleven missed calls, ten from Mrs Whitney and Zain while one is from Gloria, now that she thinks of Gloria, she does miss her and she should have called before now, she will do that when she's less busy

she was about to put her phone back in her bag when it rang, the phone vibrated on her hand and she checked the caller, it was Zain

she was reluctant to pick it up but she must have kept everyone worried for not returning home, so she picked

"hello Zain good morning" she said

"hey Jane, where are you, where have you been, we've been worried about you?" Zain bombarded her with questions

"I'm fine and at work, I worked late into the night and I couldn't come back home, sorry for keeping you all worried, but I'm about to leave the mansion now, I will be home in few hours" Jane explained

"oh then if that's the case I'm outside the mansion, let's go home together" Zain said

"you really don't have to do these things for me Zain, I can take care of myself you know" she complained

"I'm not complaining Jane and besides I thought you said you already forgiven me" Zain said sounding a bit sad

"yes, it's just that" Jane was about to start explaining again when Zain cut her off, he knew she would try to reject his help and he wouldn't want to offend her by imposing it on her

"please Jane if you have really forgiven me then come outside we can go home and besides I've been since six thirty this morning, I drove all the way here, I was really worried as I couldn't get to you since last night, do you have the heart to put the effort of a friend to waste?" Zain teased

she really didn't have the heart to put his efforts to waste but she didn't want him getting the wrong idea either, after giving it some thoughts, she decided to just agree besides she was also too tired to wait for the bus and she also needs to get home and be back here on time

"okay then, I will be out in few minutes"

Christopher had woken up on time, he was about to round off with his exercise when Jack called him, the delivery guys were outside the mansion and they were having issue getting a pass

he had asked that some gym equipments be delivered this morning for his daily routine, they were some at the mansion but most are already spoilt due to the lack of use, it seems everything in this house seems to have come to a standstill ever since he left

Jack was supposed to be here to take care of this but he remember telling him to rest well today and only show up later this morning

he had no other choice than to do this himself, he went outside the main house and sorted things out

he was signing the papers when he saw a familiar figure pass by him

it was that personal maid of his, Jane and she didn't seem to notice him or anyone for that matter, she was kind of in a hurry

"Jane?" he called out to her

Jane heard her name from behind, she looked back and saw that it was the young master, some of yesterday's memory came flushing back and she couldn't help but blush a little, he was such a gentleman

she awarded him with a smile "good morning sir" Jane said but she was faced with a very stern and cold look

"good morning" Christopher answered coldly without even looking at her

Jane felt a bit embarrassed, maybe he was just in a bad mood this morning she thought

she was about turning back when his cold voice spoke again

"and where do you think you are going?" he asked

"well sir I'm going home" Jane replied

"home, you really don't value your job, do you?, weren't you told about the things you were supposed to do, aren't you here to serve me?" Chris said irritation evident in his voice

Jane swallowed hard, of course she remembers, she was supposed to wake up before him and get everything he needs for his exercise ready and then brew him fresh black coffee, prepare his bath and so on so forth

"I'm talking to you girl" Christopher shouted, everyone around including Jane shuddered, the air immediately became cold

' who was this intimidating guy, even his voice can kill '

" well I slept off here last night, and I don't have any change of cloth, I already took permission from Estella and I will be back here before 12 noon to prepare for the party tomorrow" Jane manage to say without breaking into tears, he really frightened her

Christopher saw her reaction and immediately felt guilty, he must have scared her, gosh, why does this maid he just knew less than 24 hours ago have such effect on him, fuck nobody makes him feel sorry no matter what he does, not even while toturing and killing his enemies in the business world, he lost his damn conscious and became a monster the very day be defiled that girl and he had made sure he lived up to that tittle ever since

"well you are off the hook today, next time this happens I will fire you, and from now henceforth you take permission from me not Estella, you can go"

"yes sir" Jane said her voice shaking, she quickly retreated and fastened her footsteps, she wants to be out of his intimidating sight as soon as possible

Christopher felt bad for scaring her like that, she must have a bad impression of him now, not like he cared if anyone had a bad impression of him because he is indeed a bad person but he just doesn't know why he cares about what she thinks, damn

he didn't want to continue talking to her coldly but he has to keep his demeanor in front everyone

seeing that she was out of sight, he also left