Chapter fifty

Jane woke up the next morning feeling very weak, she opened her eyes and met four eyes looking directly into hers, she tried to sit up but Mrs Whitney stopped her

"lay back on the bed child, you are still weak, do you feel hungry?" Mrs Whitney asked

"yes very hungry" her voice sounding almost like a whisper

"I will go get you some soup," she said and left for the kitchen

"Mummy are you sick?" Chris asked worriedly

"no baby I'm just a bit tired, I will be fine, don't worry about me" she replied and kissed him on the forehead

Mrs Whitney came back with a bowl of soup and mashed rice, she ate quietly and felt better after eating

"how do you feel now?" Mrs Whitney asked

"better, but still a little weak" she replied

"here take this, you are to take two pills" Mrs Whitney handed a pack of drugs

"where did you get this from?" she inquired

"Zain got it for you this morning, you were burning seriously, he was here early this morning on his way to work" she explained

"speaking of Zain, did he bring me home, cause the last thing I remember is being in his car?" she asked

"yes he did, he's a very nice boy, Jane, I know he must have offended you, but try warming up to him a bit, he's doing everything to show you how much he loves you, and he truly cares for you, I can see it" Mrs Whitney advised

"I know but I just don't feel the same way for him" she replied

"Just try to open your heart, I know it's not easy for you given what you've been through but just try"

"we will see"

"that's good"

"What time is it?" she asked

"it should be 10 now" Mrs Whitney replied

"What?, why didn't you wake me up, I'm late for work and I'm so in trouble" Jane immediately got up to her feet and almost passed out, she felt a bit dizzy

"you see, you are not even strong enough to walk" Mrs Whitney grabbed her hand and led her back to bed

"but I need to go to work" she complained

"Zain already went to your work to take permission on your behalf, I'm sure they will understand" Mrs Whitney explained

"he did?"


"but still I need to go, there's a welcome party today for my boss and I need to help him, I need to go," Jane said

"All alright you will go, but you have to take this drug first and rest a bit, I won't let you out of this house unless I'm sure you are at least strong enough to go on your own," Mrs Whitney said firmly

Seeing there's no way to win the argument, she could only concur

"All alright" she said and took the pill from her

"come on Chris let's go to the grocery store, we need to make chicken pie for your mother to eat, and she needs to rest" Mrs Whitney said carrying Chris in her hands

Chris waved his hands to his mother "Bye mummy, love you" he said

"bye baby" she smiled at him a blew him a kiss before they finally left the room

She swallowed the pill drank some water from the glass on the table and lay down to sleep

Christopher could not help but worry a bit, news got to him that Jane was sick, someone had come earlier this morning to report it apparently that must be her boyfriend, said his name was Zain or something

He had wanted to see him but he left before he could get outside, he had to go to the mansion's control room to see what the person looked like

He picked up his phone to call someone

"I'm sending you a picture, get me every information him" he said and hung up

Why would she fall sick just like that, is she that frail?

Well to be honest she was overworked yesterday, she stood all through the afternoon, and she was busy running errands for him and going to his room to get stuff and he wasn't sure she had anything to eat

Damn why didn't he pay attention to her, now she was sick, he hopes she would be able to make it to the party this evening

Jane woke up feeling much better, the pills did a lot of good, and she stood up and was no longer dizzy or weak, now she could finally leave the house and make it to work, ' why does going to work suddenly so interest her ' she thought to herself, she had barely been working for a week there

She entered the bathroom and turned on the shower, memories of Mr Chris coming out of the shower popped into her head and her face flushed at the thought, why can't she just seem to get that scene out of her mind

Back when she was working at the club, she saw men with bare chests even Dante but none of them made her feel this way, why does Mr Christopher make her feel so weird, gosh

"This is so not good" she muttered to herself

Jane finished dressing up, she made her way to the kitchen and found Mrs Whitney cooking and humming to a song

"I'm leaving already" she called out

"oh no child you can't leave yet, you have to eat this soup am making you" Mrs Whitney interjected

"I need to leave Mrs Whitney this is almost one at noon, and I'm not so hungry, I promise to eat something at the mansion and besides there will be a party, I need enough space in my tummy for food" she said sarcastically

"silly you" Mrs Whitney pinched her chin

"but what about the soup I'm making for you" she complained

"I promise I will have it when I get back, now I need to leave, where's Chris by the way" she asked

"he has gone to play with John as usual"

"oh okay, bye I will see you later" she said and left