Chapter fifty four

"Jane? is that you?" Christopher asked shocked

Jane could only nod, she felt extremely hot and awkward under his gaze

Chris could not believe his eyes, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever set his eyes on, was he dreamland or something?, damn she looks fucking hot in that gown, hot and pure at the same time, her legs were perfectly sculpted

he had never seen her legs that exposed, she looked absolutely breathtaking

"we should get going" Jack interrupted his thoughts

"hmmm" that was all he could say, his mind was clouded and his heart was beating so fast, what's this fucking feeling?

seeing that he was not moving, Jane decided to speak

"Sir, I'm sure everyone is waiting for you"

fuck can she just shut up, that voice of hers makes him want to kiss her brain out

"sure, you can go ahead I will be with you, I'm coming" he managed to say

"okay I will wait by the door, you have to go first" she said and closed the door