Chapter Sixty five

Jane quickly took her phone out of her bag, there was 27 missed call, she was in serious trouble, her face went pale

"it's not that serious Jane, calm down, you look like you are about to faint" Grace said jokingly

"what if he fires me?" Jane said worriedly

"he sure won't do that, he just hungry, and you know what they say, a hungry man is an angry man, you just need to cook him his food, and everything will be fine" Grace said

"okay, that means we have to leave now, I have to get home" Jane said

"it's fine, let's go then" Grace said and stood up

Jane took all the shopping bags from the manager and headed for the car with Grace

Angel got to the boutique but she was denied access, ' what the hell ' she thought, the security informed her that boutique was shut down at the moment, miss Smith was shopping at the moment and no one was allowed to go in, she can't be disturbed