Chapter Sixty eight

Jane sat quietly on the as she watched him work, he looked so elegant and professional he was extremely handsome, he seemed very involved with his work

A lot of thoughts ran through her mind and head, she could not wrap her head around the reason why Chris had kissed her, he already apologized so she didn't want to think too much about it but she couldn't get her mind off it and anytime she thinks about it, her cheek just flame up and her body becomes hot in a certain way

Chris also was having difficulty finishing up with his work, he would have finish up everything in less than an hour but here he was struggling to do it in almost three hours, he can't seem to get that moment out of his mind, he felt this sort of peace when he was around her and he couldn't explain it ' damn what is wrong with me these days, why am I thinking stupid thoughts and behaving weirdly, I can't loose focus,I have a reason for coming back home ' he thought