Chapter seventy nine

"how dare he call me that?" she said to herself, ' or could he be that miss Grace already told him about Chris, was that why he thought lowly of me and called me names ' she thought but even though it was not her fault that she was raped and she had a child from it, with that thought more tears fell from her eyes

' and was what it that he had said earlier that she was dating a married man and she was also dating Zain and that Zain had told him that they were in a relationship? '

she was baffled, but she was not dating Zain, she had the intention of going home but now that she thinks about it, she needs to see Zain as soon as possible and clear things up with him, she was going to the company

Jane arrived at the company, she had cried all the way here, even the taxi man tried to comfort her but no words could pacify the pain in her heart right now

she went to reception and met with that nosy receptionist again

"good morning" she greeted