Chapter eighty seven

"well mummy has never brought a visitor home, so I was thinking you were my daddy cause she said my daddy was not around so I thought my daddy is back and you were him" Chris explained

"so your mom doesn't have friends, not even one" Chris asked suprised

"just uncle Zain and aunty Gloria" little Chris said

"so are you my daddy?" Chris asked, he badly wanted him to be his father, if only he knew

"no I'm not your daddy little champ" he said

Chris bowed his head in disappointment, tears falling from his eyes

"but I want a daddy, everyone has a daddy, John also have a daddy, I also want a daddy" Chris said unable to control his tears

Jane and everyone heard everything they said, she also could not hold back her tears, she didn't realize how much her son has been suffering until now, she left and went to her room

Christopher didn't know how to console him, he felt extremely bad for the boy, he wondered where the boy father might be