Chapter ninety six

"hey Chris wait up" Grace shouted after her brother

"and where are you going, are you starting to follow me around now?" Chris teased her

"of course not, I just want to see my cute nephew that's all, that's where you are going right?" Grace asked

"hmmm" Chris said and nodded

"I really miss you Chris" Grace said emotionally

"miss me, I'm right over here" Chris replied her

"no not this Chris I mean the old Chris" Grace said and they both stopped

Chris looked at his younger sister, he knew exactly what she was taking about but he was not ready to have this conversation with her

"Chris" she said holding his hand " what happened that night?" Grace asked her voice almost sounding like a whisper

Chris still said nothing, he can't possibly tell her what happened that day, she will probably hate him for the rest of her life