Chapter hundred and ten

"you are not such a terrible mother after all" Florence said glancing at Maria with malice

it's no news that this two don't get along so well

"please don't start your nonsense this evening, we are here for a family dinner and I want peace at this table" Rebecca shouted at them

"sorry mother it's just that I never thought a maid could bring up such children, she should just count herself lucky they have my brother's blood" she said this time her voice louder, she always make sure to embarrass her anytime she has the chance

Maria was boiling with anger but she didn't dare to say anything because Rebecca was seated with them

"aunt Florence can you stop already, at least respect grandma and my dad, gosh" she said irritated

"Florence enough let's just eat" Williams said

the table was quiet, and the maids start to serve the table, Stephanie and Cole were the only cousins available at the table tonight, the rest were not around