Chapter hundred and fourteen

"what gives you that assurance, that the girl belongs to my grandson?" madam Rebecca spoke

"grandmother" Angel spoke pitifully again

"I'm not your grandmother" Rebecca cut her off

Angel pretended not to hear her and she continued speaking " Chris and Carlos are the only men have ever been with all my life, we can take a DNA test if you want but I'm certain that the child belongs to Chris please you all should believe me" Angel sobbed

her father moved closer to her to hold her and make the scene even more convincing

Chris stood still, he didn't know what to do he felt like he was going crazy, how could the woman he hated most in his life be the mother of his child and besides he never saw himself being a father or having a family

he had vowed never to live a happy life until he finds that girl and make restitution for his sin, there was no way that girl was his child