Chapter hundred and eighteen

She looked at the two children on the bed and she felt extremely peace, ' if only they were both her children and this was their house and she had a husband how perfect would her life be ' she thought

and at the thought of husband her mind drifted to Christopher, she laughed mockingly at herself, they was no way Christopher could her husband but there's no harm in wishing she thought

she walked up to the window she pulled the curtain a bit so she could see the sky well, the moon was out and they were many stars too, it lightened her mood the more

she wondered where her friend Cassie was "oh Cassie where are you, I've looked everywhere for you, please make your way to me my friend we promised never to leave each other" she muttered to herself

she subconsciously placed her fingers on where her bracelet used to be, she made that bracelet on Cassie birthday as a gift and also as a form of their bond and friendship