Chapter hundred and twenty two

he even asked her to call him by his name whenever they were alone ' what could that mean ' she thought

she was going crazy with so many thoughts

she decided to stop thinking too much about everything, she stood up and went back to the bedroom, she has to get ready for the days work

when she got back to the bedroom, she found Christopher already awake

"hey sweetie"

"good morning Mom" Chris greeted his mother

"did you sleep well' she asked him

"yes I did, who is she?" he asked

"and why is she wearing my pyjamas she's not even a boy" he complained

"come on Chris be nice, I don't know how to explain this to you, but she might be your dad's daughter so she might be your sister" Jane explained to him hoping he can understand

Chris seemed to be in deep thought for a while

"is she the girl that bad lady brought to the house yesterday and said she was my new daddy's daughter?" he asked

"yes my darling you got it, but don't call the lady bad okay?" Jane scolded him