Chapter one hundred and thirty nine

"are you happy now?" Chris asked

Jane nodded, she noticed his mood wasn't so good so she asked "are you mad at me?"

Chris looked up, ' was he? ' he asked himself

Chris didn't say anything cause he didn't want to admit the fact that he was indeed angry, he didn't want to look petty

"are you jealous?" she took the risk to ask him

Chris looked up at her "what? of course not, why would I be jealous" he stammered

"there's absolutely nothing going on between us we are just friends I just owe him a because he helped me a lot, he took care of Chris for me once a while and also helped me get this job, I can't afford to have it on my conscience that he lost his job because of me" she explained

"that's a relief, I can't stand to have him close to you the way he was this afternoon" Chris said

"okay" she said

"ain't you going to reward me for giving him his job back?" he asked

"a reward?" she asked

"yes" he answered her