Chapter hundred and forty three

Jane was so engrossed with what she was doing that she didn't know when Chris came inside, she was already thinking of going to call him soon

Chris sat down on the table, that was when Jane noticed him she was a bit shocked, she was not expecting to see him now

"uhmm I'm sorry I was going to come and call you, I was just so busy with helping out in the kitchen" she apologized

"if you know you are so incompetent with your work you should resign, you do nothing anyways" Maria complained

"mom it's fine, I'm here anyways and I'm not complaining about her work, I decide if she leaves or not, mom please don't interfere" Chris said and picked up a napkin and placed in on his lap

Maria and everyone was stunned, they never imagined Chris standing up to his mother just because of Jane, it was simply unbelievable

Maria looked at Jane with so much hatred, she will definitely find a way to chase her out of this house