Chapter one hundred and fifty two

the receptionist saw Patrica and was a bit suprised, she knows the surgery is going take at least one more hour

"madam you are leaving already?" she asked

"yes I really can't wait any longer, I have to be on my way, I have something very urgent to attend to" she replied her and left

Patricia called Angel as soon she got into her car

"I got the job done, we are even now" she said and hung up, she's not willing to continue talking to her and she drove back home

Mike got to his office an hour and few minutes later

seeing that the the doctor was out of the operating room the receptionist went to meet to inform him that his wife was around before he goes into the office

"Dr Mike" she called out to him

"what do you need?" he asked hurriedly

"your wife was here earlier but she left already, she said she could not wait till you are done, she brought pizza for you I didn't see her leave with it so I'm sure she must have left it for you" she said