Hundred and fifty seven

At the Smith's mansion, it was time for dinner, Jane was in the kitchen helping with the food preparation

Grace and little Chris were already seated at the table alongside Maria, Williams and Rebecca they were waiting for Kyle someone had gone to pick him up from the airport and they were already heading home

the food was already being laid on the table when Chris came to join them

"no we will have to wait for Kyle, the doctor and his wife alongside Angel and Jonas" it was Williams that spoke

"do they really have to be here they can just send the report via email or something and then we email the result back to that slut" Grace complained

"we have our reason sweetheart" Williams spoke up

"I'm sure this dinner won't go well, Estella please prepare me some snacks I'm sure I will be needing it" Grace said

Kyle was the first to arrive amongst the people they were waiting for

"hey everyone I'm back" Kyle announced

Grace quickly rushed to him and gave him a tight hug