Chapter one hundred and seventy six

She can't stop thinking about everything that the doctor said yesterday, what if he was right and she really did give birth to twins, why then didn't Mrs Whitney tell her anything, she doesn't believe that she would ever do something like that to her, she doesn't even know how to tell about everything that's going on

Well tomorrow is a Saturday and she will be going to see her, they didn't go to see her last week because a lot was going on, but she must make sure that she sees her tomorrow, she needs to tell her that everything that the doctor said is nothing related to the truth and it's just a simple mix up

Her mind also drifted to the man that the doctor said came to look after her alongside a private investigator or something, she wondered who that man was, she was curious to find out, the doctor had given his contact information to Grace but she was not here, she wants to talk to the man and know exactly what's going on and who they are, she should pick it up from there