Chapter one hundred and seventy two

Angel was so surprised, she had never in her wildest dreams believed that Grace would one day have the nerves to slap, her cheek was burning right and there was nothing she can do to this bitch, it making her crazy

And she was right, she should better leave this place before people start coming and start making a scene, that would be very bad for her, the bitch even took pictures of her

"this is not the end of this Grace," she said and walked angrily to her room, she couldn't believe her plans were messed up this night again, but the most annoying thing of all was that she had no idea where Christopher was

She doesn't want to believe that he's together with that maid, but she wishes she was able to check for herself and confirm but that crazy girl spoilt everything for her

She paced around her room in anger, she could not seem to find sleep, she was so restless, and all

Grace knew something was wrong and fishy somewhere when she saw the lights on in her brother's room