
The years of practicing meditation in my youth are finally paying off. I have used the methods I learned only in bouts of anger to calm myself from causing damage to others. There are certain times when the power I receive from inhaling the fire can be too much. This time is different. There are no lives to save. There is no earth to save.

This stasis is for one all consuming. As I lay here in this burning abyss I can only hear the crackle of the fire. I feel the coolness in my body when I exhale and a heavenly burn in my throat as I inhale. I see my dragon as she watches me in the distance. Her body shimmers here and her red eyes are so bright they are like a burning river of lava. She rolls in the flames. She basked in the glow. The more she takes in the blaze, the more she seems to grow.

There is no need to fear me. I am the same as I have always been. You have never seen the epitome of my power. You will see all that I can be!