The Dragon-Caldera

As I break free from the mental prison I feel my essence snap back into our body. I wiggle my extremities assessing the motions. I have never had to control Magma without her here to do the movements herself. It shouldn't be too hard.

I rise from the boulder I lay on and look around at the scene before me. The pyre I lay on is completely consumed with flames. My dragon brethren and sisters carry more sticks to the flames. Some of them pause when they see that I am now awake. I begin a slow inhale and start to pull in the rest of the flames that surround me.

The power enters my body swiftly and I shudder closing my eyes at how powerful I feel.

Even in Magma's body the power courses through my veins causing it to glow. I look at our exposed skin and see that the color is red much like the scales on my dragon form.

"Magma is everything all right" Maximus ask as he begins to approach.