Too Much Information-Maximus

Just my luck. It's starting to seem like every time I'm sent to summon someone I end up listening in on their most private moments. I stand in that place just outside of reality and witness the scene before me. I press my hands against the thick film for once wishing I could break it to cause a disruption. I didn't need to see this. I know I should just come back but as I hear their conversation my feet are rooted in place. I couldn't move if I tried.

"Eggs" I hear Magma say when I tune back in. I look at the tears shining in her eyes and know that no matter how much I hope for it not to be, those are tears of joy.

She is not ours. I have told you this.

I grit my teeth against the voice in my mind. Every time it speaks it's as if it is trying to crawl it's way out. The magnitude of its body causes an instant chill of my blood and makes my back go ramrod straight. Hating the feeling, I close my eyes and focus on reforming the barrier. We must stay separated. As I reinforce the barrier the monster inside roars at a deafening pitch and my skin breaks out in a cold sweat. As the roar of the monster fades I feel the energy In My body lag, and I take a fortifying breath to keep myself upright. I almost sag with relief at another victory against that other side of me knowing that one day, I won't win.

I lift my head back to the scene before me and see that now she embraces the human. They share a kiss in their joy. There happiness leaves an overly sweet taste in the room. The smell sours my stomach and I stop breathing through my nose no longer wanting to be offended by the stench.

"Nice, now we are going to have to deal with you while you are all hormonal and stuff. Xander doesn't pay me enough for this shit" I announce as I make myself visible. I watch as she pulls away from her human and see both of their angry gazes turn in my direction.

Not bothered at all by having disrupted them I hold my hand out in a stop motion already knowing what's about to come out of their mouths. "Yeah, I have the worst timing and I'm an asshole. I got it already. Now can you two keep it in your pants for a while longer. You still have to meet the Alpha and you are already late" I berate them. Not looking back to see their expressions, I walk out the room at a brisk pace knowing that soon they will follow.

I'm really started to get so sick of this shit. For over a decade I have been at this camp wanting what Xander showed me. He said that I would have to have patience. After all this time I'm just starting to feel like the giant lovey dovey fucker was screwing me one over. Even though he won that fight all those years ago I still don't trust him farther than I can throw him. I may have worked with him all these years but not having gratification after all this time has my patience sprung thin.

Hearing their footsteps behind me I clench my fist and feel myself fade. With the breath I take in my body becomes the air as that thin shield between me and reality forms. I feel my muscles relax in the weightlessness. I travel through space like a comet in the sky watching as my surrounding blur to a stream of colors. The world turns into a giant spiral tube and then I reach the place I had envisioned. I feel all my molecules rush forward to form my body in this cloudy state. I watch from my place in front of Xander's desk as he concentrates on a piece of paperwork.

I release the breath I had been holding and watch as his body freezes in his chair and his mouth releases a low growl as his beast comes forward. His gold eyes start to swirl as his black circular pupils turn to slit's. I grin behind the veil at the prospect of a fight.

"Reveal" it says in his stronger version of Xander's voice. I smirk behind the veil knowing that if I don't his dragon will continue to irritate Xander. Purposefully I make him sweat for a bit longer until I hear Magma and Igneous approach the door. As they knock his eye stay on the place I stand instead of focusing on the current task.

With a roll of eyes I open the veil and let my body form back to its solid state as I materialize in the room.

"If you continue to disturb me with your games I will be forced to teach you a lesson you will never forget. My patience wanes with you young warrior take heed of my warning" his dragon says. I watch as my alpha blinks and then it is gone.

"I have told you to stop pissing him off. He just gave you his last warning and even I don't know all he incapable of" Xander says with a huff. A knock sounds from the door once more and with a sigh he says, "come in."

I stand with my arms folded across my chest. Over the years it has become a habit after having people stare at my scars for so long. I've learned not to give a shit and don't bother putting on a shirt under my robe anymore. I would just wear only the pants, but Xander has some dumb rule about us being civilized on our lands. I wait impatiently as he sits higher in his chair plastering a genuine smile on his face as Magma and Igneous come into view.

"What is the report of your conditions as of today?" Xander ask as he gestures for them to take a seat. Magma in all her radiance quickly takes the seat across from Xander while her human remains standing off to the side. I roll my eyes at the smile that breaks across his features as they get ready to share their news.

"Well...the heat that we have been experiencing for the past few weeks has now subsided. We will be welcoming the fruit of our labor soon" he says with a chuckle. Magma throws a look at the human over her shoulder and then turns back to speak to Xander.

"What my mate is saying is that I am pregnant" she says happily.

I crack a smirk at the stunned look on Xander's face as his head swivels between the both of them with his mouth hanging open. After a few moments with his eyes flashing as he speaks with his dragon, he seems to gather his wits. "So, we will be welcoming the first dragon child since our own hatchings soon? Do we have a timeline for when the baby will be born?" he ask with enthusiasm.

"You should let her finish the news first man. They aint done with the shock factor yet" I warn him.

"There's more?" he ask.

"We aren't sure of a timeline since this is the first pregnancy for our kind. There are two of them as far as we can tell. I have two eggs in my womb" She says laying a hand on her stomach. As her eyes shine and I see the joy on her face I am forced to look away for a moment. I feel my jaw clench as I stare at the wall.

She was never meant to be ours. Of this I have warned you.

As the voice of my dragon groans the words in my head I growl and close my eyes. I watch as his huge form is shoved back by the wall I keep up between us. I feel a light sheen of sweat cover my skin at the effort and clench my jaw harder as the thought that this is getting harder to do passes my mind. When I open my eyes the gaze of everyone in the room is on me. Magma and her human look at me as if I have grown two heads while Xander looks at me with what I could only call pity. Seeing his gaze does nothing but pisses me off.

"So, I guess this means we are done talking about the nesting crap. What's next on the agenda?" I question as I shift on my feet.

As usual since I opened my mouth the room is filled with awkward silence as everyone looks around the room at anything but me. I quickly shift through the ether and pop out leaning against the wall away from Xander's desk. I lean against the wall casually trying not to show on the outside just how tired I actually am. Xander finally breaks the tension in the air and his question has me gritting my teeth even harder than when Magma talked about her kids.

"So, the mating itself, is there anything that we need to know about the process or is it just the biting to mark our mate?" He ask as he scratches the back of his neck.

The human steps forward to lay a hand on Magma's shoulder as she blushes scarlet. She leans into his touch. I watch as the blush removes itself from her skin and she takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Well...yes and no. The mark is given to the mate, but it has to be given at a certain point" As she exchanges a look with the human she continues "the process after is undetermined because they will all be different for each of us" she concludes.

"Different how? What process did you go through?" Xander ask as he sits higher in his seat. The bastard doesn't even try to hide his interest in the subject.

"I walked through all of Igneous' memories. There is nothing about him that I do not know now and nothing that I haven't seen. I had to accept all of him and in turn he had to accept all of me. I now hold a piece of his soul within my own and he has a piece of mine" I straighten where I stand wanting to hear the rest.

"And you, what did you experience?" Xander ask addressing the human.

"I walked through her memories too as well as accepted a piece of her soul. I had to accept all of her human and dragon. If I were incapable of doing such a thing I would have died instead of awakening to be with her" he says gruffly. "I was told that since I accepted all of her as she is, that our lives are now entwined together" he concludes.

"I forgot to mention this before now because we have been rather busy" she says blushing again "but you should also know that I now know the history of how we came to be" she says.

"How is that possible? Was it one of your memories?" Xander says eagerly. For once my mood matches his and I wait expectantly to hear the rest of what she learned.

"No, it was not my memory but the memory of my grandmother. Inside of our heads I was shown the curse she cast on our mother and what became of it. When she made the curse she destined all of us to be monsters as she saw our mother. Over the centuries she sought a way to make up for it by giving us mates so that we could live happily" she states.

At her statement I cant help but drop my jaw. Wait a moment. "You said our mother. We are all birthed of the same womb?" I question.

"Yes, we are all siblings. We share the same mother but have different fathers. Kawa is also only my grandmother. I am the first dragon to be birthed from the womb of Io. When our mother accidently killed Draco, my father, Kawa cursed our mother to go through one thousand years feeling her pain" she states. "She gave birth once each year to an egg all across the world. The other supernatural's are also the by product of the same curse. They are from different beings other than our mother, but they also were under the same curse as Io" she says.

"Holy Shit" I curse. Io that is the name of our mother. She was forced to birth us all and leave us here. She was turned into a monster and forced to breed them. I feel my fury rise as I think about what all of this means. The room has gone quiet in all the shock from what Magma has revealed. So many children left in the world. Left without hope just waiting in the dark. No wonder so many of us ended up lost.

"Also, I have been told that each of us has a mate out there in the world. I maybe the first to find mine, but I definitely wont be the last" She says with a silent note of promise in her tone.

I shake my head in anger. No longer wishing to be here I disappear into the ether and float through the space of time to my cabin. As I materialize into the room I let loose a roar of pure fury. This is not the news that I was expecting to hear today. Why would she subject some human to the darkness of me. To give us all a mate when not all are deserving. Stupid witch.

Today of all days I definitely don't need the hassle of worrying about my future. Its barely ten in the morning and I still have to check on the other clans. Solidifying my resolve I close my eyes and force my body through the ether. Let's see what the fairies are up to today. I could use some entertainment.