The trip to the cafeteria has done nothing to clear my head. More than anything I want to find a way to stop her from leaving me. I find this odd feeling in my chest is so hard to comprehend. I have haven't felt this way since Magma showed up at the clan.
There I was at the age of fifteen. I was invincible and I knew that there was no way that anyone could beat me. I knew the other dragons wouldn't be able to compete with someone they couldn't see.
The humans that they placed here with us had no idea how to handle us. We could always scent there fear. For weeks this place completely reeked of the scent. All of us were uprooted from our lives. Even those who had no life to speak up. All of us were alone with no family. There was no one to lead us.
We were just a bunch of kids who could never find a place for us in this world. I think at the point we arrived; the government finally got tired of all of us just roaming around pretending to be normal.
So, figuratively they cut our wings. We were told that this was a safe place to go. That others of our kind were already thriving here. They told us that we would be provided for and no longer have to worry.
They made every single one of us feel as if we would be wanted. So, without a thought most of us made the journey. We didn't find out the extent to the deal we made until we arrived here.
There forces surrounded the bottom of this valley. There was no way to walk out of it. Most can't even come here unless they are willing to submit a blood sample. That there was the key that made us all easily identifiable. Every person with interspecies DNA has blood that shines. Even in the dark, they could tell the difference. When we saw their forces and found out we couldn't leave, we discovered what this meant. They had sold us a dream. Everything they promised was nothing but lies.
For weeks they asked us questions. They measured us. They prodded and poked us. Each one of us became nothing but a simple file until they decided that they couldn't find out anything more about us. Even then they kept their bases at the bottom of the valley. If we tried to fly over it, they threatened to shoot us down. None of us were willing to see if they actually would or not.
I always thought that I had an ace in the whole. With my ability I could get beyond their forces. I wasn't trapped here like the rest of them. I had my freedom. I could leave when I needed and if I wanted I could see the world. But something was keeping me here. In a year, our numbers were over two hundred.
The year I turned eighteen and became a legal adult there was no one else for me to fight. No one else wanted to challenge me. it was also the first year that
I realized I cared about someone other than myself. My little Magma. When she showed up here she was nothing but a little runt. Smaller than the rest of us and she was so quiet. She never believed anything that others told her and always had to be shown the truth. She was so much like me in that way.
So we bonded. I protected her when the others decided to pick her. I made sure she stayed by my side until she could protect herself. She doesn't know it but even then I watched over her. When she turned eighteen she found her calling. One of the humans bases caught fire and she saved them. She saved them before the other humans who they called even got there. When she wanted to join them in their fight for fire I wasn't willing to let her go. For the first time since we were kids we fought. I was the undefeated leader, and everyone listened to my words.
When she left without my permission, I was terrified. I had fought so hard to protect her and as soon as I wasn't paying attention in my anger she was able to rush into danger. When she returned back to the clan I was filled with such a moment of relief. I didn't realize until that moment how much I wanted her presence. I didn't realize how I felt about her. In that moment when I realized how much I cared for her, I knew that I had to let her go.
No one could ever become my weakness again.
Having one left you vulnerable. It gave bad people a reason to do dreadful things to get you to submit. I wasn't willing to give someone the opportunity to use her to get to me. I thought after all that time I would have learned my lesson. As soon as I released her from the first hug I have ever given her, I pushed her away in the worst way possible.
Yet after it all I stand here in front of my cabin knowing that this situation is so much worse. Emily is not Magma. Already I feel the need to lay my eyes on her. I feel the need to touch her, to taste her scent. It hasn't even been a full two days and I already want her to stay. I want to know my mate.
Now I can no longer leave freely. My dragon has trapped me in the place that has taken the freedom of so many others. He has trapped me with the only person that I no longer want to leave. The one person that I need.
I have no idea how to make her stay. Knowing that she is leaving I still my steal my resolve. If she doesn't want to stay then that's fine. If it's one thing that I know, it's that I'm good at pushing people away. I won't be hurt when she leaves my life again.
No one can be given the chance to toss me aside like the rubbish homeless people in California. She may be leaving but I'm the one who won't be saying goodbye. This will just have to be a good riddance.
With the containers in my hand I push the door open and close it behind me. I pause for just a moment with my hand on the knob gathering myself before I turn to face her. As I look to where she is standing in my kitchen I run my eyes along her figure trying to memorize it. My hurt thumps in pain at the thought that I won't get to see her every day.
Blinking away the pain I look away from her and focus my sights on the dining table.
To keep myself busy I open the containers and take my seat. Out of the corner of my eye I still keep track of her movements. Sadly memorizing how tiny she looks in my cabin. I correct myself knowing that it hasn't been a home until she came here. There was no talking in this place or a warm scent. There was no reason to be here every day. As she takes her seat I fix my mouth to speak. I fight lifting my head wanting to look into her beautiful blue eyes again. Knowing it's not a clever idea.
Before I can speak however, an intense pain hits my chest. My head starts to pound so hard I grasp the table to stop me from falling out of the chair. A low growl rumbles from my chest and echoes in my mind. Martell shatters his barrier and comes rushing forward as he traps me once more. I fight against him needing to stay in charge. He has no right to come forward and speak to her. After what he has done to me all my life he deserves to be locked up like the monster that he is.
However, the lack of sleep has lowered my energy too much. He wins the fight and with a rough laugh he pushes forward. Son of a bitch. With the last reserves of my energy I try to rush forward before he throws up a barrier. Before it traps me, my words leave my lips in a rush.
"Go ahead and leave. I'm sorry" I shout. My breath saws in my chest as I fall onto my ass behind the barrier. I feel as he blocks me from his mind but leaves me a perfect view of him talking to my mate. I want to take back control and am angered that I allowed myself to get weak. I can scent fear mixing in with her warm scent. I hate the smell of it. She should never fear me. She should fear my beast. He is capable of anything that she could imagine. I wish I could warn her.