As I slam the bedroom door behind me I push my back against it as I try to catch my breath and stop the blood rushing to my cheeks. None of this makes sense to me. the situation has already gone so out of control, and I can't seem to grasp my sanity. I know he is a monster; I have seen it. I can't understand for the life of me why my body seems to act this way around.
It's true I'm not a child. I understand what it means to be turned on. At the tender age of twenty-four I should have already gone through what I know so many my age have done several times. Yet here I am in some cabin in the woods, with a man I barely know, and at the first sign of intimacy, I run.
Coward. I feel like such a coward. Would it really be so bad if I had of closed the distance and let his lips touch mine?