Just The Thought-Xander

You have got to be kidding me. I seriously don't have time for this. This was just supposed to be a simple stop. I just wanted to see if Maximus was getting a reign on his dragon, and I get this. He has already caused me so much trouble and potential paperwork.

Stop whining and pick the woman up. She no longer needs to be blindfolded if she is unconscious.

"Right" I say as I pick her up. As I gather her up from the ground I sniff the air scenting for blood from her fall. Satisfied when I smell none I quickly walk over to the bed of the truck and contemplate how to place her. I don't just want to throw her on top of him but seeing as how he is freaking invisible; this is a high possibility. Easing her legs in first I still can't see his form. I quickly place her all the way in. When her arm flops to the side he finally comes into view.