"Mine" I demand in her face as I fight Martell for control. I reach to cradle her delicate face in my hands as I take in her mouth watering scent. Fuck. I have to taste her. Tilting her head up so that I can plunder her mouth I crash my lips against hers. Her quiet gasp opens her luscious plump lips so that my tongue can dive in. The first taste of her is cool and maddening as it calms some of the heat I feel.
Leave this place.
As our tongues clash fighting to taste the other I move us. In the blink of an eye I have us in my cabin as I back her against the door of my bedroom. I crowd her as I grind my hardening cock into her stomach. Her breath hitches as I moan at the pleasure it brings. There is just too much clothing between us. I have to feel her skin against mine. I need to feel all of her so that I can claim her.