No Escape-Salvatore

Until this day I have no regrets about the decisions that I have made. Seeing the horrific things from the man that I loved hurt me beyond belief. When I heard of the things that he was doing to our kind I believed them. I had once upon a time seen his rage and I had Avery run from it. All those years ago and we have been running ever since.

For decades I have felt the connection to Slater. In my anger and my fury at him I have all but denied that it existed. Today however, I have no choice. I have to follow it to where he is so that I can put a stop to him once and for all. I should have put a stop to it all those years ago, but because he holds my soul, I could not. Avery has always been the strongest of us. When she found out what he did, she so easily rejected him. I don't know if i could have done the same in her position but i know that it wasn't only herself that she was thinking of.