Chapter 86: Frightened Composure

Striding the whole chamber where I would sleep, holding these 10-inch spikes of star-shaped flowers, made me smile.

Demetrius was such a thoughtful boy. I could see the love in his eyes on how he cherished me as his mother.

What only made me feel melancholy was knowing how my other self treated him—abusive, cruel, and inconsiderate.

It broke my heart how Demetrius endured it. Why? Why would my other self resort to this kind of action?

Shouldn't she be happy that her Valerian had the fruit of love while I... didn't have a chance since I was careful?

"You have disappointed me..." I muttered to the Dominixe from the other timeline, knowing the strange dream I had where I gave birth to a healthy baby boy and how she treated it like it was such a nuisance was the point of view of my other self, after all.

That was why I couldn't understand why Rachelle made me want to be wary of Demetrius when all he needed was a mother who would love him for who he was.