Chapter 95: Celestial Realm

I peeled my eyes open and was greeted by shimmering gold dust hanging in a purple hue sky, two moons—full moon and crescent moon—were waving at its stunning perfection. My body felt feverish at the sight of the surroundings, surrounded by delicate deep purple small shrubs gently dancing along with the breeze.

"Is this the... celestial realm?" I could feel my head pounding, almost at fault for the harsh impact of the fall, feeling like I jumped from the cliff. The distinctive scent of delicate, floral, and sweet lavender flowers caressed my whole being, raising me to the spectral of rainbows in my way. "Mother...?"

I stood up, having this instinct of bringing myself to the celestial palace, a sight to behold, embellished with different gems, glinting under the velvety rays of the sun rose to the east. Every step I took illuminated the flat stones in my pathway, fascinated at where I brought myself into.