2. How's 19 Treating You?

Like arsenic, his toxicity slowly killed me. And I welcomed it...

I fucking hate incompetent people. I'm completely disgusted by them. I kick the body aside so I can pass. There's blood on my shoes belonging to my head of security, now dead.

If you asked me he deserved it. I gave him one job, one fucking job and he messed it up.

My phone keeps buzzing incessantly with messages and notifications.

I glance at it and sigh too scared to open it in fear that I won't be able to stop myself from going over to her place and see how she's doing. But mostly because I'll look for every person involved with humiliating her and then kill them.

Death was always the first solution.

I could stop it if I want, one call and I have It all vanished from the internet.

But the sick twisted person I am, I want to punish her. Even though I can't do it physically, the little pain she's getting although not inflicted by me, sadly, does little to soothe the burning anger in me.

I travel for a week and she decides that she wants to give her virginity to that cunt she's been dating.

Technically I let her date him. I can't count how many times I've had to distract myself from killing him.

The number of times I've smashed my phone against the wall when I see the number of texts he sends to her, filthy ones included.

That child thinks he can have what is mine.

I'm not a patient man, at all. But for Nova, I'll be patient. For as long as it takes.

The time is ticking though, there's only so much I can take.

I glance back at the screen on my laptop. The bedroom is empty, I decide not to panic and just check the entire house first. I click on the kitchen camera, it's empty. So are the bathroom, the living room and the balcony.

She's not home!

"Angelo!" I yell for my new head of security


"Qualcuno dei nostri uomini è a casa sua?"(Are any of our men at her house?) I

"No, capo," he says almost in a whisper

"What the fuck do you mean No!?"

"Before you killed the head of security he was the one in charge of assigning men to her house, capo" his head is bowed

"Figlio di puttana! You're the new head of security for fucks sake! Fuck this shit!" I get up from my seat and tuck my gun into my pants before making my way to the door "Find her, track her phone do it now!"

"Sì capo" he rushes out of my office

I make my way to my car, to already find Angelo waiting for me in the car Good for him

He starts the car and drives to her house. It's not like her parents are ever home, her brother has travelled. She's on her own.

I finally decide to check my phone maybe it can help me with her whereabouts.

Oh, Nova, you're making it hard to stay away from you.

I scroll through all the shit load of notifications she's been receiving, text messages from strange numbers. Notifications on Instagram of people tagging her in memes and embarrassing videos.

She gained over three hundred more followers. She doesn't like attention, at least not this kind.

I scroll through all the texts, checking for anything that wasn't there before and I finally notice an unknown number that's not mine, because this one is saved and she barely talks to anyone apart from her now ex-boyfriend and her brother, which is once in a while.

I click on the name, who the fuck is Jeremiah?

I can't believe I'm doing this lol - Nova

Doing what?!!

"Life is short, take risks" -J

She replies five minutes later, I know her so well to know she was using that time to contemplate it.

"Text me the address of the club I'll uber there" -N

"Sure thing babe"-J


My hand tightens around the device. I give Angelo the address of the club.

Of all clubs, you could have fucking gone to Nova!

"Capo?" Angelo calls out

Like I thought he wants to know if he heard me right "Sì, Angelo go now!"

Club Synergy, is known mainly for its underground sex dungeon that only gives passage to VVIP customers and their plus one. Also, they can pick from the main club if interested.

The majority of the people that go there a lot know what the club is for and today...

Fuck today is a fucking Friday!

They get to pick eight lucky people if they're interested, four males and four females to go to the dungeon for a fun night.

And I can bet my left testicle that figlio di puttana Jeremiah knows what's going on.

The amount of anger radiating from me in waves right now is almost visible. I just want to hit something, and if Angelo doesn't get to that club soon enough it's going to be him "Drive faster Angelo!"

Immediately we arrive at the club, I don't wait long enough until he parks the car, Before I get down and make a dash for the entrance, praying to fuck the security fucks up so I can take out part of this anger on him.

I get to the entrance and lucky for them they let me in. I tell Angelo to go find her and call me immediately if he finds her first.

I've been searching for over thirty minutes, my palm is sweaty, and I'm fucking pissed! because I know she may be selected to go underground.

I don't get nervous!

I try my best not to make my mind wander to that area. I scour the dance floor with my eyes, and there she is.

Fuck she's gorgeous.

She's standing by the toilet door, waiting for her turn in the line.

Who the fuck makes a toilet so far off into a corner, at a club?

I contemplate walking up to her, but I can't help it so I do.

While I'm making my way to her, my phone receives a notification and I assume it's Angelo but I see her take out her phone and scroll through so I check it out.

It's a message from her ex.

I glance up at her and notice the way her hands tighten around her phone, her back is to the line and she's facing me. All it takes is one look up and she'll see me.

I read the text he sent.

"I know your life must be miserable now, I've seen the memes and videos Lmao!" -D

Is he kidding me with this bullshit?!

I raise my head to look at her and I almost panic when I see that she's left but I look around and see her heading to the exit.

I look around for dumbass Jeremiah so I can put a name to the face but nothing. She's leaving alone and she's staggering.

She's drunk. For the first time in her life.

I make sure I'm not far behind her. I quickly text Angelo to bring the car keys immediately.

I drive the car to where she's standing

"Hey, Nova? I'm your uber" she glares at me and then at her phone, her eyes are barely open and I doubt she can even see anything on her phone clearly

"Uh yeah, I'm her... Nova" she clears her throat before going to open the back seat and then changing her mind to the passenger seat.

She gets in the car and her gown rides up her leg a little bit revealing her thighs. It takes everything in me not to dig my nails into them and leave marks all over them.

"Ready?" I glance at her to see her phone overly close to her eyes. She's looking at it as if she's trying to decipher whatever is on it. She looks at me quickly before nodding

"Words, Tesoro" (darling) I watch as her tongue darts out to lick her lips swiftly

"Yes I'm ready" her eyes widen and she blinks twice as if trying to sober up quickly


"Ughhh I'm so drunk.." She groans and rubs her forehead

"What's the occasion?" I can't help but ask, hoping she'll be able to shed some light on why she went out with some idiot days after she was publicly humiliated.

"Oh nothing much, I just turned nineteen two days ago and also got dumped... yay me"

I desperately wish Angelo was the one driving right now. My hand was itching to go out and touch her, I wanted to dig my fingers into her waist, her thighs. It was fucking hard as hell to be this close to her and not be able to touch her the way I want.

Soon my love, soon.

"Did I mention" she hiccups "that you and your car look nothing like uber material" another hiccup

"Really? What is uber material tesoro?" I smirk at her

"Is that an accent?" burp "Sorry. Okay, let me guess the accent. French?" I raise an eyebrow "No, no.... italian!" She exclaims loudly when she realizes that she nailed it

"That obvious?"

"Kinda, plus the thing tes..." She tries to pronounce the tesoro "never mind you know what I'm talking about, that gave it away"

"Tesoro," I say slowly so she can get the pronunciation

"Yes! What does it mean?" She places her head on the headrest with her eyes closed

We arrive in front of her house and I park "This is your stop."

"Oh look it's my house..." She drawls

The lights are out as usual and her parent's cars are not in the driveway.

Another night alone for her then.

"Hold on uh" she squints at her phone trying to check for my name I guess " fuck it" she exclaims after a failed attempt of reading her screen " Okay here's your money, I can barely read my screen I don't think I know how much I gave you" burp "I just hope It's not a high bill and I don't regret it tomorrow" she yawns when she finishes her rambling

I frown "Keep your money."

"What? why? You were so nice and it's a miracle I didn't throw up in your car with how drunk I am" she places the money on my dashboard and before I could protest she mutters a goodnight and walks to her door.

I watch her walk off, more like stagger into her house and when I've made sure she's in the house I leave.

I park my car a few houses down from hers and remove my phone from my pocket to see what she's doing.

She's in her room, undressing. I watch how she clumsily takes her gown off and finally succeeds. Left only in her underwear now, she falls face flat on the bed.

I drive back and park close to the house, and walk the rest of the way before going inside and upstairs to her room.

Her hair is covering her face as she snores softly. I seat on the bed and my hand makes its way to her face and I brush her hair away from her face. I watch the way her lips form a soft pout and she scratches her nose before adjusting herself on the bed.

I smile at her. I look around her room and I frown when I see her window open.

Good thing I killed her peeping Tom of a neighbour before travelling.