7. Am I Crazy for Being Happy

Everyone around them knew, that he'd set himself on fire just to keep her warm.


"So uh... yeah I'm still driving, just got on the road again after last night." I rambled as I try to figure out what to say into the phone in my hand "Oh oh yeah! I met a girl last night. Not that type of meeting a girl but ughh, I helped her scare off this creep and gave her a ride" I smile to myself as if Chance was here in the car next to me listening. And I was not leaving him another voicemail.

I park by the side of the road and turn my radio down a little as I continue spilling out my last night's fiasco into the phone.

"Turns out, she didn't even know the dude, you know. Just some creepy, disgusting man that thinks he's superior or whatever." My left hand on the wheels tightened as I remembered the slimy bastard. "I hate men, they're so fucking infuriating. Except you, Chance. I love you" I giggle after that last part "A-and I know it's not all of them, but it's really hard to think that now to be honest. Have you seen the number of shit women go through in the hands of these bastards? I'm beginning to think the bad men are a lot more than good." I sigh loudly and laugh as I realize I'm going off-topic again. "I just miss you so much man, I mean even though you're not here, I'm glad I had this talk with you." I exhale loudly "There's just so much going on that I've been wanting to tell.....

....had an altercation late last night with two ladies. The voice from the radio said incoherently

"Uh Chance I'm gonna need to call you back or you call, anyone.. bye" I rushed out before I ended the voicemail and turned up the volume on my radio

"Right here in this gas station, it is said that the man, who is now dead was seen with two ladies arguing.

I frown. Arguing?

"This cashier here claims he saw everything. Sir. Can you please explain to us what you said happened here?"

"I saw the guy he.. he was touching on the first girl anyhow you know and I didn't wanna get involved in all that shit cus eh everyone knows how this place works. You better be wise to stay out of all of it.

I roll my eyes in disgust. Fucking coward!

"The man, sir. What happened to the man?"

"Oh yeah. Uh after the girls left some masked dudes pulled up.. just right here and grabbed him away. I don't know"

"Do you have surveillance footage from the kidnap?


My brows scrunched up in confusion.

"But you have cameras, sir"

"Uh yeah, I do." He answers sharply

"Do they work?"

"100%." He replied quickly

"Can we see the footage, sir?" The interviewer asks

"No. Look you wanna see the body or not?" Strange. I turn on my car and continue my journey

"Over here we have a trail of blood" The news lady states. The sound of her voice along with the sound of her heels and other shoes clicking against the floor. "And here the b.... oh my God!" She gasps loudly "Turn the camera! Turn it away, NOW!"

I'm at the edge of my seat with curiosity. Partly because I can't see anything to match it with what I'm hearing, and also because I doubt if this particular news station would divulge the entire story without cutting the shit out.

I glance at my time as I pass the route marker.

I don't know how to feel once I realize that I'm almost at my destination. I frown as I remember how my mother tried to convince me to study online.

Thinking back to it now, it's not like she suggested that because she would miss me.

A smile appears on my face as I see the gates of the place I'd be spending the majority of my time now.

College. After how long of waiting for the day to finally arrive and I'm at the gates.

I exhale loudly as I prepped myself mentally while driving in.

This is it.

As I'm driving I notice the parking spot close to me and I thank the stars that there's a free space. I park there and immediately check the time.

The school website did not fail to note that the admissions office closes by (3:30 pm) three thirty. And it's currently ten minutes past two.

I grab the documents that I know I'll be needing and make my way out of the parking spot in haste.

I immediately ask the first person I come across where I can find the admissions office and he's nice enough to give a vivid explanation of where I'm heading to.

I walk faster when I notice the sign above a door that reads "admissions office".

"Hi, excuse me I'm here to complete my process" I rush out trying to control my heavy breathing. The woman in the office has her head down as she's focusing on what she's watching. I guess she'd be attending to me through this space then

"All these students never keeping to the exact time always doing...," She raises her head and I watch how her eyes widen "Miss Carter!" She gasps "I've been waiting for you. How are you? I hope the journey wasn't too stressful?" She exclaims as she rushes to the door to let me into the office. "I'm Mrs Penelope" She introduces

I walk into the office with obvious confusion written on my face "Hi. How do you know my name?" I asked the obvious question. Completely ignoring her introduction

"I'm good with faces". I give her a pointed look urging her to shed more light "You sent a letter with your passport remember?"

"Y-yeah I just didn't expect you to know my name or even my face" I chuckle awkwardly

"Oh shush." She laughs, but it seems forced "Anyway all your things are sorted out you can get your timetable and all your classes from your assigned tour guide, who is also in the same department as you." She walks towards a short shelf after she hands me the documents "As for accommodation there's no more space in the dorms-"

I cut her off immediately after the last statement leaves her mouth "Shit!" My eyes widen "My bad. Uhm sorry. I don't think you know this but I'm new here, to this whole place entirely. So like, is there any place I can stay till I figure out how to sort my living situation out? I can pay" I immediately add

"Yeah" she replies

"Oh, thank goodness" I sigh in relief " Where and how much?"

"It's one of the inns given to the school by an important benefactor" she smiles with pride or whatever the smiles for

As the words leave her mouth, I already know it's gonna be expensive.

But I don't have a choice, I'm homeless. Literally. "Okay. Can I pay now?" I rummage through my bag for my card and phone

"Miss Carter?" I raise my face to hers "Your accommodation has been taken care off"

"What?" I laughed "I'm sorry I just realized you might have me mixed up with someone else. My accommodation can't be taken care of," I scoff "it's just me"

"Nova Ivy Carter?" She called out

My eyes widen as I answer sounding unsure "Yes?"

"I'm not wrong" she smiles and hands me a key and documents

"But that's not possible, I-

"The owner of the inns was feeling.... generous." She shrugs "Lucky you, you're the winner of the newly renovated, Queens Inn" she smiled as she sat back in her seat

"Newly renovated! How the fu-" Mrs Penelope exhales tiredly

"Miss Carter if you don't mind, I'd like you to listen to my news about the gas station death, please."

I sigh "I'm sorry. Thank you very much for your help I'll leave you to... wait did you say gas station?" I walk and stand beside her as I stare at what she's watching on her phone.

"Yeah, this dude that got killed in a gas station hours from here..." She trails off as I block out what she was saying "The people who killed him left a note

"What?" That immediately grabs my attention "A note? what did the note say?"

"That's the part I'm getting to" she smiles eerily at least anticipating the view of the gory way the guy from last night was butchered. According to the news on the radio.

"Oh my gosh, here it is!" She exclaims pointing

"Who owns this Youtube channel?" I asked curiously

"The cashier from the gas station store. Quit talking and watch" she warns gently

Fucking twat, that guy.

I lean closer as I see the camera zoom in on a body, the camera briskly landing on his face.

It's him! The perv from the gas station, it's him.

I question the huge part of me that's happy.

I'm feeling more relieved that he's dead, mainly because I know he can't do what he did to Mer to any other girl. And the world is one more pervert short.

"Oh my gosh!" The loud gasp brings me back to the video playing on her phone

"What?! What does it say?" I ask almost yelling

She swipes across her screen taking it back before pausing and showing me the screen to read the note that was left on the dead guy's chest.