9. Hospital Lies

Our love was toxic but it was still our love.


"You remember the plan right?" I asked the doctor attending to me

"Yes sir" he nods and answers in haste

"Good" I turn to face him before placing my hand on his shoulder and drawing his face closer to mine "Because I'm pretty sure that, as a doctor, you need your hands" I give him a pat on the back and he scurries out

"What was that?" Nova chuckles as she walks to me and hands me one of the cups in her hand.

"I.. have no idea. Just mumbled some shit about a patient and left" I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee

She let out a loud sigh "You won't believe where I had to go to get these" she placed the coffee down on the table beside me before presenting a small bag I'm guessing contained muffins

"Where?" I kept my eyes on her as she spoke

"The other side of the hospital!" She exclaimed defeatedly

I chuckled at her statement "I was expecting to hear you drove away from here or something else"

"I might as well have driven! This place is huge as fuck!" She laughed as if reminiscing the entire journey again

God, she's gorgeous!

"Yeah, it is." I chuckle and sit up

"Yeah. Wait, How do you know that?"

"Used to come to visit a family member here" I stated

"Oh, my bad... I didn't know. I'm sorry" she replied sadly

I laugh "He's not dead, Nova"

She laughs as she releases a loud sigh of relief "Phew! For a minute there, I thought I brought back some bad memories"

I chuckle "No, You didn't"

She turns to face me, giving me one of her smiles that I love "Good to know. Anyway, what did the doctor say about you?"

I clear my throat "I don't know, he said he wouldn't take too long." I hope this son of a gun called a doctor doesn't ruin everything I explained to him.

His death might just be a glorious reminder of why incompetence disgusts me.

I'm about to speak to her when he finally walks in "Sorry for the delay. I had to fill in for another doctor" He keeps his focus on Nova, avoiding eye contact with me "So, Mr Ricci." Fortunately, you didn't suffer a concussion or any other body or head injuries." Nova sighs, feeling relieved "But, you do need enough bed rest. We don't know what can happen over the next few days after you leave here. So I strongly advise that you stay in bed" he turns to face her again "Ma'am, I'm sure you can handle that. No work just res-"

Nova shook her head as she pointed out "Oh no. I don't know him, I hit him with my car by accident" She said immediately

"Ohh-" he drawled out acting the exact way I told him "Okay well that's a bummer" the doctor sighs "Alright. Do you live anywhere around here sir?"

"Yeah" I replied

"That's good I'm sure we can arrange a temporary nurse for you-" I start to interject "JUST until you feel better" he adds quickly before I talk

"I assure you there's no need for a nurse I'm perfectly fine" I counter.

"I know that sir, but the nurse is just extra precaution"

"Not interested. I'm fine" I state giving no room for any more argument

This plan better work.

"I can check up on him" Nova speaks up finally " I mean you don't want a nurse. And since you live somewhere around the hospital then it's also close to my school"

There we go.

"What? No, no there's no need for that"

"No, I insist. It's my fault you're here anyway, let me help. Please" she pleaded genuinely looking directly at me.

I don't know how long I can keep up with pretending not to want her to come.

I shook my head again "I'm fine, Nova you don't need to hold that over your head, it wasn't serious. I'm at fault too, remember?" I say, referring to the headphones I was wearing

"True. Which is why we need to agree on this so you can get better and be in top shape" she smiles at me as if letting me know that her points were valid

"She makes a good point, Mr Ricci" I almost forgot this bastard was still here

"Look. It's not like I'm moving in with you," she chuckles "I'll just come to check up on you, whenever I'm free to make sure you're doing good."

I groan "Fine" I agree reluctantly

"Good. I'll get started on your discharge papers then" the doctor states before leaving the room to do what he said

"Where do you live anyway?" Nova asks when we're alone

"I don't live there. Well, I do, but temporarily. I'm house-sitting"

Nova chuckles "I know I don't know you, but you don't look like the kinda person that house sits"

She's right, I don't.

My house is just a prop in our lovely game of prey and hunter.

I sit up and face her "Oh really? And what kind of person do I look like?" I taunt without taking my eyes off hers

She stares at me for what seems like minutes, silent and unmoving. Before shaking her head and clearing her throat as if to remove herself from a haze.

"I- I don't know" she whispers, her eyes still locked on mine

I grin. Not taking my eyes off hers.

And just in time, I hear footsteps, which I'm guessing belong to my doctor. This gives her the chance to finally break our eye contact. He clears his throat to announce his already known presence "Uhm excuse me, Mr Ricci. Your discharge papers have been completed I just need you to sign here," he hands me a pen and flips the paper "And here. All done"

"Is that all?" Nova asks the doctor

"Yes, ma'am"

She chuckles "No need for that, please. Just call me, Nova" she informs him. One would think they were new friends with how nice she was being.

I turn to her and then back at the doctor while pretending to pick up my things. I keep my gaze on him silently watching and waiting to see if he'd be dumb enough to do it

"U-uh yeah sure, Nova" he gives me a very quick glance before he proceeds to cast his gaze to the ground and then scurrying out.


Nova looks at me and then the door "Weird. Seems to me like, he's intimidated or scared"

"Of me?" I ask, acting surprised and confused

We walk out of the hospital room and head to the parking lot "Obviously. Who else?"

I laugh and get into the car where I proceed to give her directions to my 'temporary house'.

"Well, today was an eventful day" she sighs as she turns off the ignition while parked in front of my Þlace.

"Thank you, for today... Apart from hitting me though" she laughs and nods her head

"You're welcome. And, I am sorry for hitting you" she apologizes again

It's not entirely your fault my love.

"I did get to meet a pretty woman, so I'd say it's kind of a win. "Don't you think?" I smile at her before I open the door and step out of the car.

I halt and turn when she starts to speak to me"I don't know about pretty," she smirks "but it was nice to meet you, Leonardo" she starts her car and drives off

I smile and silently relish the way my name rolled off her tongue, so smoothly. Like a perfectly practised melody.

This cat-and-mouse game is just perfect for us.

Sometimes in an enclosed hunting zone, the hunter just has to give the prey signs of his presence. So it knows there's nowhere to run, and it has no... choice.

Nova is in new territory, my territory.

And as such, everything will go exactly how I want it to.

Cheers to an amazing time haunting you, my love.