12. Who are you?

He was everything dangerous but yet, I craved his touch immensely


"So yeah" i shrug "Thats what I've decided." I say as i make my way to Leo's kitchen to get a drink.

Leo and I have been hanging out for weeks now. Well i don't think hanging out is the right word. I've been coming to see him since the accident and we've become friends... i think.

He's sort of closed off, in a way. He talks to me sometimes but not as much as I've imagined how friends talk to each other.

Maybe we're not friends.

"So you're saying you're just going to ignore the fact that you have a stalker. One that sent you a picture of you covered with bloody sheets. And a dead man, with missing body parts next to you?" Leo says looking at me with a hard gaze

I sigh "Okay. Of course I'm scared, but what can i do? I went to the cops and they said it's probably a friend playing a prank on me" i shrug "i give up" i pick the mountain dew and then head back to the living room.

"Security system of this country is wild" he shakes his head in disappointment

I laugh and sit back and i proceed to open my can of mountain dew. "You want some?" I stretch the can towards Leo

He shakes his head "I don't like it" he continues to type on his phone without raising his head from the device till he was done.

I raise my brows "Damn this is my favorite drink. Wait, then why the fuck do you have it?" I chuckle as i take a sip

He stares at me for sometime "Have i ever told you, that you cuss... alot?"

I smile "You won't be the first"

He releases a very short laugh, it was almost as if he didn't laugh "I just like having my fridge full" he states

"Huh?" I ask confused

"Thats why i have the mountain dew" he gives me a pointed look

I catch on and nod my head "Oh okay. Weird reason but okay"

"So what are you going to do about your... uh," he clears his throat "you know?" His nods suggestively as if he was afraid the word stalker would offend me

"Stalker? You can say the word you know?"

"I know. It just seems weird to wrap around i guess. Seeing as you're so chill about the entire thing"

"You know me, chill as ice" i shrug pretending

I was far from chill. I'm literally so scared that i sleep with a metal baseball bat and kitchen knife close to me.

Nobody knows this.

Nobody, meaning the only friends i seem to have, Leo and Tiffany.

I sit back in the chair till my back is to it. And i just stare. At first i get carried away with staring mindlessly into nothing before my eyes drift to Leo.

I don't think I've ever noticed how beautifully sculpted he actually is.

Okay i have.

I just never took time to look at him and describe every single intricately perfect part of him.

His perfectly chiseled jawline that looks like the blunt side of a blade from side view. And his dark hair, that sometimes falls against his forehead and sticks to it when he sweats.

The way he's almost a giant when he is standing. And his eyes.

God! His eyes are perfect.

They're almost as blue as the morning sky, but i can't decide completely because they almost look like a beautiful shade of green under the right amount of light.

One time i could swear they changed colors on their own while he was staring at me after another of our playful banters. Turns out it only does that when light relflects on his eye.

It is obvious this man had all of the attention on him, when he was being created. Because i can't seem to figure out why one person was given the entire beauty of gods.

Every inch of him built with perfection, it was almost as if his physical appearance had no flaw.

And i don't think it did.

My eyes run over his hands slowly and the veins all over the back of his hands are killing me. The way they move slowly and torturously as if their sole intent was to punish me.

Tiffany is right. I think i need to get laid.

"If i knew you'd be checking me out so often I'd have gotten you a camera to take pictures of me"

I roll my eyes inwardly as i mentally scold myself for letting him catch me.

"Oh shut the fuck up. I'm just trying to figure out who your doctor is"

He throws his head back laughing "It's natural, Tesoro. No doctors" he smiles at me and continues to type on his laptop

The nick name that seems to has stuck these past weeks, brings a smile to my face "I'll find out, dont worry" i taunt jokingly

"Whatever you say detective" he laughs before excusing himself to go to the kitchen

I pick up my phone while scrolling,my mind goes to the stalker and i click on his number. I scroll up to the beginning and i remember that I've blocked him.

Or i think i did.

I notice the chain of texts that I seemed to have ignored one way or the other back then. Way back to when i was still dating Deshawn.

He's been watching me for months now.

I stare at the screen mindlessly as i fight back different thoughts that keep popping into my mind.

"Okay" I say lowly to myself before typing. I send it immediately so i don't chicken out and discourage myself from doing it.

What starts out to be one second moves to be minutes, twenty minutes and thirty before i finally notice the tiny three bubbles appear.

My eyes bulge and i have to remind myself not to scream and notify Leo, he doesn't need to know that i just asked my stalker "who he is".

Dumb move, i know. But i also need answers.

UNKNOWN: Are you expecting me to answer with my name, love?

I sigh and facepalm myself.

I just know he had to be laughing at me when he read my text.

"I'm back. What did i miss?" Leo announces before he sits

"Oh nothing much, just yours truly asking her stalker and a potential murderous one at that, who he was?"

But instead, i say "Took you long enough. And nothing by the way" before smiling and leaving to get another cold can of mountain dew distraction.

When did my life become such a shitshow?