Part of him


"Leo, why are we here?" I ask in between laughs

He shrugs "I just want you to know a lot about me"

My smile falters "But why is that?" We both agreed to take it slow so, his bringing me here is extremely confusing.

"I can already see the wheels turning in your pretty head. Don't worry we're still taking it slow. I know you know nothing about me so this is a start." He explains to me while I look at the entrance of the building through the car window

I eye the huge building "Well, how does this relate to you?"

"I own the company"

I raise a brow "I don't understand. You own this place," I point to it "It's yours?"

He chuckles "Yes. I know you're confused but I can explain. Can we go in?"

I'm too shocked to utter any words all I can do is nod. My lips are parted and my eyes are surveying the entire building. The tall building stood tall, with its marbled walls and shiny tiles.