So, there existed the ancient spheres that maintained the forces that protected the balance, said that whoever possessed them, would be a god, could fulfill the great desire.
Beriah, or Briah, the World of Creations: This world is already so dense that God no longer acts directly on it, his wills are fulfilled by powerful Archangels. These sephiroth are: Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth.
Yetzirah, the World of Formations: In this world, as in Briah, God does not act directly, but acts through various angelic choirs, which carry out his will. These sephiroth are: Netzach, Hod and Yesod.
Asiyah, or Assiah, the World of Actions. In this world, there is only one sephirah: Malkuth, these would be the powers that could lead to the world of astral projection, each of the actions or each of the specters, beyond the dimensions where they would be taken.
The Tree of Life is also divided into three columns, in which the one on the left is known as the pillar of severity, it is the female pillar; the one on the right is the pillar of mercy, it is the masculine pillar; and the central pillar is the pillar of balance, contrasting the emanations of the right and left pillars.
What is strange, at first, that the pillar of severity is the feminine, and the pillar of mercy is the masculine, in which this is because the feminine force is repressive, like the uterus in which the dimension of emptiness and without hope or life the child in the mother's womb, and the male force is explosive, so it tends to be a less repressive and more liberal force.
So, that energy by itself was an immense millenary dragon, at that time, it turned into an immense beast, a dragon.
Over the eons, even though Ashera had vanquished the entity that crawled like a worm, she had rooted her power, her material body was used to create each of the trees, her soul inhabited the orbs in each of the trees, it seemed that the creeping entity came back every hundred years, so an avatar or a representative even a shell was chosen.
In which it was someone who was able to withstand power, among them was Maiomonides, at that time, he was one of the void and hopeless dimension or several avatars, which was a representation of the power over Earth, so they could use the power of the trees and the blessing of the heavens, in which, in turn, the entities were always with the forces of some powers, so the powers of the ancients were revered.
The tree can also be divided into two horizontal parts by the sephirah Tiphareth, while the four sephiroth below Tiphareth are the microcosm, the lower world, the Lower Self, whereas the four sephiroth above Tiphareth are the macrocosm, the upper world, the Higher Self, Kether being the divine spark.
Those forces, in turn, were always with the power of the beasts that protected the trees, in the midst of that entity that was capable of changing everything.
The legends to which they passed, said that those who held the power of trees and orbs, being the representatives of Ashera and the ancient religion, then, according to legends, they could accomplish the greatest achievements, their greatest desires, but they were legends, and the Creeping beings did not return, being sealed by the powers of the trees.
When the Tree can also be divided into two horizontal parts by the false sephirah Daath. The sephiroth below Daath are known as Microprosopos, that is, they are the Manifest Universe, even if the sephiroth above Daath are the Macroprosopos, or Unmanifest Universe.
The sequence of the sephiroth on the Tree is given by the movement of the Bright Lightning, in which their sequence is as follows:
Kether – Crown – Kether being located in the upper central position of the tree. It's the crown. It is the pure potential of the manifestations that take place in the other dimensions. It represents the essence itself, timeless and free. It is the genesis of all emanations channeled by the other Sephiroth.
Chokmah - Wisdom
Chokmah sits at the top of the right column, the pillar of mercy, is known as Abba, the great Father. It's wisdom. Chokmah is pure energy not yet materialized. It has a masculine and infinitely expansive character, in which it came with the quantum leap of intuition, which derives from artistic manifestations, in which, similarly, it is the right side of the brain, where creativity and the world of ideas flow.
Each of the orbs and trees represented a psychic and astral power.
Binah - Understanding
Binah sits at the top of the left column, the pillar of severity, is also known as Amma, the great Mother. It's understanding. Binah was the dimension of emptiness and hopeless or lifeless manifestation of form over force (Chokmah). She caused Chokmah's infinite strength to become limited, and thereby, reciprocally balancing with him. It is logic that gives definition to inspiration and energy to movement.
Similarly, it is the left side of the brain, where reason works, organizing thought into something concrete.
Chesed - Mercy
Chesed is located below Chokmah. It's mercy. It represents the desire to share unconditionally. It represents the willingness to give all of oneself and unprejudiced generosity, extreme compassion.
Geburah - Judgment
Geburah is situated below Binah. It's the judgment. It represents the desire to contain and question impulses. It channels its energy through goals, with the aim of overcoming obstacles and transforming nature itself.
Tipareth - Beauty
Tiphareth lies below and between Chesed and Geburah. It's the beauty. Transforms Chokmah, Binah and Kether into beauty. Wisdom and understanding, with the light of knowledge. It represents the division of the tree into the microcosm, the lower world, the Lower Self. And the four sephiroth above Tiphareth are the macrocosm, the higher world, the Higher Self, Kether being the divine spark.
Netzach - Victory
Netzach lies below Chesed. It's the victory. Netzach is the energy of feelings. There is the desire for reciprocity, the search for others and the overcoming of one's own limits, propagating eternal thought. It functions as the fertilizing principle of the male sperm.
Hod - Splendor
Hod is located below Geburah. It's the splendor. Hod represents concrete thinking. It is a channel of internal improvement, of identification with others, being a form of acceptance of thought, of recognition. It functions as the receptive principle of the female oocyte.
Yesod - Foundation
Yesod lies below and between Netzach and Hod. It's the foundation. Yesod represents the Astral Plane. It works as a reservoir where all intelligences emanate their attributes that are mixed, balanced and prepared for material revelation. It is compilation of the eight emanations.
Mal'hut - Kingdom
Mal'hut is located in the lower center position of the tree. It's the kingdom. It represents the physical world, where the material compiled from the eight emanations is revealed. It is the channel of manifestation, desiring the reception of the sephiroth. It is the distance from Kether that causes this desire, creating the feeling of lack.
Daath - Knowledge
Daath lies below and between Chokmah and Binah. It's the knowledge. It represents a false sephirah because it is not an independent emanation like the other ten. She depends on Chokmah and Binah. It is also regarded as the image of Tipareth. It is the abyss, the random chaos of thought.