In which he could never shake the feeling of being watched, in worlds where each was a constantly disturbing place as he traveled through time.

Then, with exposure to the worlds of darkness and creepers, it took influence on his body, on his being and on his soul, just as it once altered living beings, increasing various traits and abilities, but also some vulnerabilities, being that emotions and the ability to experience them seemed to fade with time for those imbued with shadows.

Sometimes the morphic nature of the Dark Worlds and the creepy crawlies could produce strange effects, particularly in areas like the Black Rift, where despair took hold of him, where they were especially morphic, with events that had a particular affinity for them. the plan, like death, for example, just on the Black Rift, a pile of bodies made more skeletons appear, until there were thousands, billions, at times you couldn't count.