As they left the hospital, she asked. – Why the nickname, Mister Murder? - Tsuki questioned.
- Well, that I was called Dirty, but I don't like anyone. – He said, towards the barracks, entering to see the slate towards the plans...
- He doesn't like anyone, not even his own mother, he doesn't like Mexicans, blacks, women is the only thing he likes, the rest he hates, whites, gays, Latinos, everyone in general. – A bearded policeman said.
- Thank you, John, you are of great help. - The man said, when he saw the other leaving there...
José said as he approached. – He is nicknamed Mister Homicide, because he has a habit of killing, including causing the death of his partners. - He said.
- He's also a magnet for dead or disabled partners, it's been 4 in one year. - He said.
– One is still in the hospital. – The man went to have a coffee.