– Are these my clothes? – He questioned as he rummaged through each of them.

Then they looked up with a smile, then headed for Lovecraft. – We took the liberty of organizing one of the houses rented from the Delphos company, one of the closed condominiums in the city. – Amasteus said.

- So, I continued to take the liberty of inserting him into a job as a private security and monitoring one of the laboratory security bases of the company Delphos. – Amasteus said.

- You guys are fast. - Clint said. – Let's go to the mansion first for you to sign some papers to enter the service. – Amasteus said.

So they arrived towards the mansion as they entered the property. – When they were then organizing everything, the man would be starting training next week, meanwhile, tomorrow, he would be starting his new job.

Tsuki said goodbye to him as they drove him towards the condo.

Tsuki went to change when he was back, naked, looking at her female body, when she went to sleep.