It was at this time, unbeknownst to another of his henchmen, that Tsukino Miki Hikaru managed to get in touch with Robert Chapek , setting up a meeting, he had put a message in code in all the newspapers, simple as that.
- I found out who set you up and I can save your face, I know where the money is, meet me at Lovecraft County Harbor on May 30, 2022 at 10pm.
That's how Tsukino Miki Hikaru set the ambush to meet with Chapek ...
He saw the undercover man meet him at the docks, between the harbors and piers of Lovecraft County.
- You mean it, is it true what you say? – Chapek questioned him.
- You know I'm the hero. – Tsukino Miki Hikaru said, entering the bridge, where there was a yacht. – Come with me, I have some documents I need to show you. - Tuki Miki said.
- I expected you to set an ambush with other heroes. – The man said, looking around, before and after him, wearing a huge overcoat behind him.
Then he closed the yacht's door behind him as the man entered.