kanpuys Mullen Dun is a cult rooted in Leanderus Monde, a place that suffered a major catastrophe when its population was killed in the great earthquake, with the planet full of dark-controlled bodies, the perfect stronghold for the Cult, in which Sheldon and his accomplice, Hardin , survive the pursuit of the "Crimson Blades", though Hardin sometimes doubts Sheldon's intentions.

When the Graylands , Audorisus Ridogun and Callo Solemus is sent by the VKP to Duke Darodkus ' mansion to investigate his involvement with the Kanpuys cult . Mullen Dun and the Priest 's interest in Sheldon Losstarot .

Audorisus infiltrates the mansion and finds Sheldon, witnessing his powers firsthand. Sheldon escapes with his accomplice Hardin and the Duke's son, little Joshua, leaving Audorisus a clue to his next destination.