- I'm sore. - He said. - But it will pass. – Completed.

The Suzaku demon caressed her thighs and said then said.

- My saliva has lubricating and healing properties. - Said. - I'll take care of you.

So, when he crawled on top of him and went down to between his legs and opened them and started licking his wrinkled entrance, which he liked still burned, but he was delicate, and sucked his hole, he realized he was enjoying it and little moans and heard a growl as he cleaned his hole.

The Suzaku demon was holding on to his spread and spread thighs, in which he slowly fell into unconsciousness, not realizing that his cock was getting hard, and between the licks that made him more and more comfortable and the pains of his hole disappeared and his cock disappeared. gave a squirt, in which the Suzaku demon had a lot of fun and then released him.