The effort and speed paid off, and it was sixteen days after Karin's disappearance, she was abandoned in a bus terminal, next to another girl who had disappeared in another part of the forest, even so, they didn't scare the killers, who planned to take the girls to more distant regions.
Until then, they were still not arrested, due to the problems of barriers and portals that often released monsters in these areas.
"This man promised her travel, money, a music career and fame, when she sought her out, he kidnapped her, I'm sure he treated her very well, and she, in her innocence, didn't understand the danger she was in. is in.
Due to the fact that many women, young and old, were being hunted down and killed.
The so-called Grand Canal, which cuts through the State of Japan, has been used so that people can search for people's missing girls to dump the bodies of kidnapped girls.