After The Brunch

The Queen's locks had been left carelessly for five days after the death of the State Uncle. He was after all the uncle of the Queen, he deserved the respect and the mourning of the kingdom. For two months, no household was allowed to tie their locks, wear jewellery, or any bright clothing. Black, brown and navy were the only colours allowed. Especially for the imperial family, the were only allowed to wear black, the king included.

"this is what you wanted, is it not?" the Queen had lowly asked as she prepared to lay her dreadlocks behind her back. The king, her husband, stood behind her, as he took off the royal crown laid elegantly yet so effortlessly on her hair.

"Why bother asking questions you fear hearing answers to?" her husband answered lazily. He had always been honest to her. He thought, scheming against the whole kingdom and his pillow mate aswell would bring him nothing but loneliness. Furthermore, why bother lying about something he knew her wife had the capabilities of finding out just by laying a finger.

The Queen found herself shrinking in pain when she heard the ruthlessness of her husband's words. "He was my biological uncle," she wept silently as she questioned her husband's humanity.

"Which is exactly why he had to die," The king threaded his steps carefully, taking a sit on the bed whilst he held his nose bridge.

"You would kill just anyone who threatens your power," the Queen realised as she stood from the mirror. Her legs suddenly shaking as she feared what would come if she really asked him this question, but, she had to know.

"would you kill me too?" she finally asked, hating herself for seeming so desperate for him to once, just this once, look at her differently.

He had raised his head to find his wife stand a mere distance from the bed. The vulnerability in her eyes was something he hadn't experienced in a while.

She had sacrificed too much for the kingdom, not just her beloveds but herself as well along the way. With these predicaments, she had grown strong and understanding with how the world works. However, too strong that the Crystal King felt that they would always have a strange gap of loneliness in their relationship.

Yet, just tonight, he was not sure if their marriage was still a marriage of convenience. She had afterall bore three amazing children for him. Stood by his side, even after everything he had done, she always supported him. However, did she continue to stay by his side to carry the duties of a wife? the duties of a Queen? or because she really cares? This, he feared knowing the answer to.

He blinked a few times before standing up to close the gap between them, "I hope that day never comes." He used one hand to touch her palms and went on to wipe the few tears running on her cheek. "Let's sleep early, Tommorow will be a long day," he gently told her, before carrying her back to the bed.

He had not answered the question. Come the day the Queen was tired of hiding behind his bearing self, would he willingly share the power with her? Would he give a second thought to spare her? He couldn't bring himself to answer her heartfelt question, because he, himself didn't know.

The following day, it had been the early mornings of four. The kingdom had walked by feet to the Great River that separated The Crystal and Wolf Empire. Only for them to find the great General's head to be already burning, flowing as the platter that had been laid, flowing flawlessly.

The Crystal King had prepared to kneel. So did her Queen, the royal family as a whole and the kingdom.

"He's death is not in vain, as death is the end, the new is born. We celebrate the life you have lived, as we hope your path to join our ancestors flows," The King had cried out those words from the top of his lungs, before he bowed in respect for the dead. Those under him bowed in sequence, yes, for them, the dead were far greater of deserve for respect than any living.

Even though at most the Crystal and the Wolf had lived in such hate and agony, they at least had one thing in common, to respect the dead.

Devastated, the Queen was. Guilt was eating her up. Her only family was dead, how lonely she suddenly felt. Built on to the pedestal, the whole world watching her effortless beauty , her wealth, and adored by so many. Had they took time to learn of the rumours of the occurrence inside the royal family? If they knew, would they still wish to be her?

For such a respected person to die a death this demeaning. For them to only use his head for the burial, "how demeaning." the Queen had thought to herself as the anger coursed through her veins.

However, she held onto the great man her uncle was. He was a great man who had not waisted a breath. She should not only hold into the sorrows and anger. She should feel delight,

Because, For the Crystals, life was meant to be celebrated, especially the life of the State Uncle, who had lived to sacrifice so much for his kingdom.

Had he known? He's only trusted King had sent him to his death? Because, even if the Wolf empire hadn't killed him, he would never had made it back alive to his home country. That, the King had already planned so precisely.

The King had stood from his knees and went to the side of his Queen as he helped her to his feet. "Even if I had killed him, I would have kept his body. Uncle deserved that," He had whispered to his wife's ears.

Glitter had entered her eyes as she stared at his brown orbs. She found sincerity laced on his face. He was angry as well.

She had felt her legs go weak as she held onto his hard chest. His dreadlocks fell carelessly against his shoulders, as they stared upon each other's soul.

"You mean?" she had asked him, confusion drawn on her face. He had sent back the few locks that were infront of her face behind her ear. "Yes Nala, they should pay," he told her. Maybe it had been the night before that made him act this way. But then again, it didn't really matter why he wished to act this way, the most important was that he wanted to fight.

"How do you plan to fight?" Nala had questioned. "The Great Spirit," The King had answered. Fear had been drawn on his face for a few seconds, but determination had won over his expression once again when he found the fear on his wife's face.