Red and Agnes were let into the club without any hassle. One look at Red, and the bouncer immediately moved them in all the way from the back. The people on the queue had raised objections by the injustice being displayed, but when Red walked passed they also stared in awe. She had gotten used to people gawking at her already. The first thing that always drew people in was the boldness of some of her features. Red hair? Blue eyes? It sounded ridiculous, but somehow she managed to make it work. Now the whole making a spectacle out of her had gotten stale. It didn't interest her anymore. She turned to her side and saw Agnes staring at her in awe.

"Here we go." She muttered.

"You see how lucky I am to have you as a friend?" Agnes drew closer to Red and whispered, as they tried to find a path towards the bar. They were too many bodies pressed like a sandwich against each other, blocking everyone's path. You had to struggle, to get to whatever destination you were heading to.

Don't you have homes?

Red was tempted to pull out a speaker, and scream loudly, but she didn't think her looks would be enough to save her from the mob that was sure to descend on her.

"What does that mean?" Red suddenly remembered Agnes had said something.

In between fishing for a response, she pushed aside a drunk man who backed up on her like a dog in heat.

"Didn't you see how easy it was to get in? It took just one look at you, my goddess to get us in" Agnes said breathlessly.

Red couldn't help the laughter that sprung from deep within her. Agnes said the weirdest things, and sometimes, it was cute.

"So you enjoy seeing your friend being patronized. Interesting." She smacked the back of another loud drunk, making passes at her, as they struggled to get to the bar.

"I never said that, but it did get us to cut the line. Maybe a little."

They both laughed, finally pushing their way to the bar. The bartender approached them and asked to take their orders. Agnes who was staring lustfully at the hottie she was fond of flirting with every time she and Red came clubbing, didn't hear his question. Red was forced to look at her friend. She shook her head pitifully when she realized what she was doing.

"Just fucking ask him out already!" Red always told her, but she always had one excuse or the other. Red had warned her that if she didn't do it herself, she would have to step in and help. She didn't mind playing matchmaker where her special powers were needed.

"We feel really good tonight and plan on getting wasted. Give us the very best you have Chase." Red said knowing they would never leave if it were up to Agnes. As far as she was concerned, she could stare at him all day.

"Because you both look gorgeous tonight, you have one drink each on the house" Chase said. Red nodded confused. She didn't know if he was referring to her and Agnes or, to Agnes's boobs spilling out of the low cut red dress she wore, that he was staring lustfully at. Regardless, she was pleased. Maybe tonight was going to be Agnes's lucky night. The thought alone made her giddy with excitement for her friend.

"Get us lit Chase!" Agnes chimed in.

As soon as he turned his back on them, Red kicked her chair.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"When do you plan on asking him out?" Red rolled her eyes.

"What?" Agnes moved closer. The music blasting out of the speakers, was too loud and they could barely here each other.

"I mean Chase. When do you plan on asking him out?" At this point, they were practically screaming.

"I can't." She bit her lips, and played with her fingers.

"Should I do it for you?" Red's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely no!" A look of horror flashed before her eyes.

"Oh Ag, you're hopeless." She frowned, and shook her head.

"Whatever. What about you? You think I didn't notice your not so subtle flirt the other day?"

"What are you talking about?" Red squinted her eyes.

"Oh please Red. You were totally flirting with Antonio the other day. I could cut the tension between you two with a cutlass."

"That's so untrue." She laughed nervously, and waved her hands dismissively.

"Deny it all you want, but I know what I saw. I've got my eyes on you."

"Whatever." Red scoffed, and turned her attention to the dancefloor.

Red looked at the sweaty bodies clustered together on the dance floor, dancing without a care in the world. This was what she enjoyed the most about clubbing. When she was not in the heat of action, she got to watch people have careless fun. She hated how noisy her neighbourhood was, but when she was in the mood to club, she welcomed the noise. She enjoyed the adrenaline rush.

She secretly wondered if this was Antonio's scene. She couldn't quite figure him, and she prided herself with her ability of reading people. Maybe it was because they were meeting for the first time. Regardless, his eyes still haunted her. They were nothing like she had ever seen. The intensify they had, both terrified and intrigued her. And Agnes had been right, she did flirt with him a little with her eyes.

That damn Agnes!

She had planted the thought of him in her head, and now she could see his face. She remembered his voice. They were deep and had the rippling effects of the sea.

That thick black hair begging to be let lose from it's bun, so she could bury her fingers in it.

She shuddered, causing Agnes to stare questioningly at him.

"You were totally thinking about him right now." Her eyes widened, and the hint of a smile rested on the corner of her lip.

"You've lost your mind Agnes." Red jumped to her feet, hoping to put as much distance as possible, between herself and Agnes.

A song she really liked came on, just as their drink arrived. Downing hers in one gulp, she waved goodbye to Agnes and stepped into the dance floor. She swirled around letting the music consume her. When the song ended, she remained on the dance floor. Agnes paused her shameless flirting with the bartender from time to time to offer Red different shots. By the tenth shot, she had well and truly caught the vibe, She was totally immersed in it. She felt carefree and lightweight. She felt free. She danced around without a care in the word. Although, she was very careful not to welcome anyone's advances. She wasn't in the mood for a dance partner. She only wanted to celebrate her success, by herself.

Red swirled around, and came face to face with her ex. She squinted hoping it was just her mind playing tricks on her. Unfortunately, it wasn't. She could recognize that smug look even in hell. She immediately tried to squeeze past him, but he blocked her move.

"Sup baby, missed me?" Dean leaned closer to Red, and whispered.

Bile rose to her throat, and threatened to spill out. She clenched her stomach, and inhaled deeply. She tried to think of a way to escape his presence, because the alternative would leave a body. And Dean was not worth ruining her future over. She tried to move away from him a second time, but this time around, he wrapped his hand around her waist, and drew her to him, so she had her back pressed against him.

Red stiffened.

"You feel that baby? look what you've done to me. Feel the effect you still have on me baby." Dean whispered in her ears his hot breath tripling the irritation she already felt.

Her stomach wretched, and she covered her mouth to push pack her irritation. She felt his hard-on poke her butt, and she wanted to kick it so bad. She wondered in irritation how she had ever managed to date someone like him. She forced herself to remain calm, breathing in and out. She knew Dean could be really erratic and irrational. She counted to ten and hoped for his sake he let her go before she was done counting. Just then a girl ran up to them out of the blues. She dragged Red away from Dean, and squared up to her.

"So you're the bitch that has my man's all messed up in the head?" Red cringed at the Asian girls poor attempt to imitate an African American accent. She looked at Dean who from the way he was grinning from ear to ear, looked like he was enjoying the show.

"Look, I don't know what you might have heard, but I assure you that it is all lies" Red tried to reassure the girl, but her attempts fell on deaf ears as the girl grabbed a fistful of her hair and began to pull. Dean cheered on in excitement as the girl pulled and pulled. Red managed to pull away from the girl and turned to face her angry, and aggravated.

Agnes who had only just noticed the ruckus, ran to the scene. One look at Red told her it was about to be trouble for whoever that look was directed at. Before Agnes could stop her, Red grabbed the girl in a chokehold. It all happened so fast, it felt like a movie. After much attempt, Agnes finally got Red to let go. Just then the bouncers came and kicked them all out. Not even Red's look was enough to save both her and Agnes from the decision of the bouncers. Agnes was sad their night ended that way, but she knew it was best she removed Red from that whole vicinity.

Red managed to make her way into her room without falling face flat. Somehow, she was able to convince Agnes to leave after dropping her. She was sad that their night of celebration had been cut short by her past mistakes. Dean was the last person she expected to see in the club. Last time she heard anything about him, it was a rumour of him being sent to jail. She had spent that night drinking and dancing. Asides the mighty meat he was packing, there was really nothing much he was good for. And to prove that, he had managed to ruin her perfect night.

She staggered and manged top find the light switch. She took of her clothes and made her way to the bathroom. Few minutes later, she came out feeling a bit refreshed. She decided to write since it was already obvious she wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. Just then, her phone rang. She let the phone ring, thinking it was Agnes calling to check up on her. She was going to call her back, but first, she needed to gather her thoughts, and put them in words. She switched open her laptop, shitted comfortably on the bowed table, and switched it on. She couldn't remember the last time she had actually operated it.

"My poor baby." She whispered.

Her phone rang again, and she knew she couldn't put it off anymore.

"I'm fine Agnes, you should get some......"

"Do not interrupt and listen carefully." A robotic voice at the other end of the phone said. Red sat up, her hangover clearing a bit. The voice spoke up again and Red listened with rapt attention.

"Are we clear?" The voice asked again.

Red stared dumbfounded at her phone, her face drained of every colour. She tried to speak but couldn't make any sound. She couldn't believe her ears. Surely this was a joke. It had to be. Someone was probably playing pranks on her. She didn't even hear the call drop.