Mission III


Crime scene at 12:00pm.

Yasmeen shoved the card into her palazzo pocket then stood up from under the desk . She looked back at Mr. Patterson body and her eyes squinted looking at his neck more evidently. She raised her two gloved fingers and traced them at the two slashes,when she took back her hand she saw fresh blood on it.

"The blood is not yet congealed..." she thought and her eyes widen

"so it only means that the assassination didn't exceed 1 hours from now"she concluded and it was when Officer Rio asked her what happened that she realized that she said it out loud.

She ignored his questions and got out from the caution tape area.

"Officer Rio what time did you get here?" She asked checking her wrist watch

"We're exactly at this area scouting when a call came, Peter called me and informed me about the assassination around 11:00am and we got here by 11:05".

"Immediately after i received Peter's call,I informed you even before the forensic investigators came"

When he finished his explanation she hastily replied

"Officer Rio ask your team to shut down the premises and restrict everyone from leaving the perimeter now!!" Officer Rio didn't ask why but hurriedly press his Bluetooth earpiece.

"Radio check"he voiced out

"Copy" many answered

"Shut down the premises and allow no one to get out or get in, until suspect is sighted "

"I repeat,until suspect is sighted ".


He offed his Bluetooth and looked back at her. Yasmeen eyes were darting left to right as if calculating something.

'He said they arrived here at exactly 11:05 after Peter called at 11:00am so the assassination can be said to take place at exactly 10:50.and me and my team arrived here at exactly 11:15.

This house is like a labyrinth maze vast with numerous twists and steep slopes and each corner,cctv camera is positioned, he didn't leave the premises up till now if he got to avoid those cameras,unless he hacked the system. Nadia didn't report any inconvenience in the cctv room so everything should be normal right?'.

"Inspector what did you notice" Officer Rio finally asked as he couldn't wait any longer for Yasmeen to voice out her thoughts.

"The assassin has not yet left the mansion,from what I analyzed" she answered him and made way out of the study which he followed.

"I need to check out the cctv room" Officer Rio nodded his head and followed her.

Yasmeen and Officer Rio got into the big cctv room where they found Nadia and other guards already in front of the computers.

"Nadia did you find out something" Yasmeen asked her amber eyes darting from one computer to another.

"Inspector Azan,Officer Rio" Nadia turned from the computer she was looking and bowed her head to Officer Rio in form of greeting he nodded back and then Nadia looked up to Yasmeen.

"Nothing major but from the previous footages four recruits left instead of five that got into the mansion for interview at 10:00". Yasmeen eyes were still on the screens but she heard what she said.

"So one of them was definitely the assassin,call Asim and Henry to question all the guards set to guide the recruits" Nadia nodded and picked her phone. She parted her lips to say more when her orbs caught something on the screen. She narrowed her eyes and moved closer to the screen,when she confirmed what she saw she turned to Officer Rio and said

"Officer have your men to scout the streets outside the mansion please,I need to check something". Officer Rio nodded and wanted to say something but Yasmeen have already sprinted out.

'Is this intentional phantom' Yasmeen ran out of the main building to the green field outside her eyes looked around but saw nothing suspicious except the guards scouting around. She stood with arms akimbo,frantically breathing!

"I saw the black figure around the garden, I pray I didn't miss him".

she asked one of the guards and he showed her the way to the garden. She pulled out her gun and ready her way to the garden.When she's fully inside the area her all sense of organs sharpened to their limit and becomes alerted. Her ears peaked up when she heard a rustle beside a particular tree and a black figure emerged

"Freeze!!" Her voice thundered and her forefinger placed itself on the trigger.

"Ms. You had a gun and I didn't do anything" a child voice came and that's when Yasmeen took a closer look ,she realized the figure is 4feet tall.

'Ya Allah I was so anxious about catching him,like I thought he already left'.

"Child remove your mask and what are doing here" she tried to soothe her voice not wanting to scare him away. The boy removed his mask and his blonde hair came into view.

"I am playing hide and seek" he answered looking back at her. Yasmeen pulled back her gun into her duty belt.

"What's your name?" She asked again

"Edmund" he replied back.

"Edmund have you seen a figure also cloaked in black clothes like yours" Edmund parted his lips to say something but went against it when he recalled his conversation with that man.

Earlier ...

Aryan sneaked into the garden when he heard the serine of the police he was about to climb a tree he encountered a little black figure.

"Holy molly!!! A real ninja assassin" the boy squealed Aryan quickly shut his mouth with his palm before he could utter anything more.

"Don't utter another word okay?and I'll release you"the boy nodded his head and Aryan slowly removed his hand.

"Uncle I want to ask you something" the boy whispered his eyes gleaming with admiration not fear.

"Hurry up I don't have much time" Aryan squatted down.

"Can I also be a ninja assassin?" Aryan looked up to the masked boy and he recalled Mr.Patterson words "No one is born to be a bad guy unless circumstances make you"

"Why?" He asked

"Because I want to get rid of the bad guys that killed my father." Aryan stared at the boy and his eyes flickered with an unknown emotion.

"Don't pray to be an assassin,good guys will hunt you down". Aryan looked down at his wristwatch 11:40. 'I need to find a place to hide for the situation to settle if I escape now I'll be risking my life,shit that's why I hate daylight missions'.

"Then why are you one?" the boy's voice came.

"Circumstances made me one" he replied then held the boy's shoulders

"Listen child I'll hide up in that three if someone come and ask you about me say you saw nothing" the boy nodded

"I'll give you my gun next time we meet okay?" The boy's eyes beamed and he nodded his head enthusiastically.

"I solemnly got this"...Edmund said to Aryan.

Present ...

Yasmeen's attentively look at the boy waiting for his answer

"No I saw nothing,I was playing by myself" she didn't fully believe his words so she decided to ask something but a frantic voice called out

"Edmund what are you doing there?,i ask you not to mess around right?". Edmund eyes widen and quickly hide behind Yasmeen.The woman reached where Yasmeen and the boy who tightly clutched her trench coat.

"Sorry Inspector I will get him under control now" the blonde woman bowed her head apologizing.

"No problem,but who are you?" Yasmeen asked

"I am the head cook of the mansion and that boy's mom" she pointed towards Edmund.

"He just came back from school after costume party,that's why he's still clad in his costume" the woman explained when she saw the still questioning look In Yasmeen's eyes,she yanked the boy from Yasmeen's back

"I am so sorry inspector" she bowed her head and walked away with the boy who looked dolefully back to a particular tree.

Yasmeen's sharp eyes turned to that tree. Her solid steps were heard as she made way to the tree. Aryan who hide up in that particular tree pulled out his gun set to shoot. 'Inspector Azan don't make a reckless move, I wouldn't want to blow your head yet' he thought and his finger rested on the trigger ,all that's take was for him to tug the trigger and boom Yasmeen's body would collapse.

She was about to dock her head down to look up at the tree when the ringtone of her phone deprived her. She pulled out her phone and answered getting away from the tree

"Yes officer Rio?"

"Okay I'll be on my way" her eyes lingered on the tree for some seconds before she walked away.

Aryan heaved a tried sigh and stocked his gun back.

"That was a close call, wife to be!".