7: boyfriend?!

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw through my window that the sun has already lighted up the sky. I'm still lying on my bed and too lazy to get up. Wait, what time is it anyway? So, I decided to grabbed my phone beside my head pillow to check the time.

My soul has been awakened and I quickly get up from my bed when I saw that it was already past seven in the morning. Seriously? For real?

Shit, I will be late! I finished watching anime last night and almost forgot the time. It was already 3 in the morning when I slept.

I rushed through my bathroom with my bath towel and quickly took a bath. Thank goodness that this room has its own bathroom. I only took five minutes to finish my bath and rushed to wear my uniform.

I combed my wet hair quickly, then I grabbed my school bag and quickly head out my room.

After I went downstairs, I stopped when someone called me.


I turned around and saw that it was Sir Michael. He's at the dining table having a breakfast with Caden.

"Why are you in a rush? It's just 15 minutes before eight," he asked.

"Eight in the morning is when our classes start. I'll be late. I have to go."

"Caden, send Roma to school," he told his son.

"What? No," Caden drastically declined.

"It's okay. I don't need any help," I answered then widened my eyes at Caden.

I rolled my eyes at him before heading out in a rush.

This house was too enormous so it would take minutes to get out from this house!

I just newly moved in here last weekend. To be honest, this place is comfortable. And even I feel homesick sometimes, I'm just bearing it.

A brisk walk was I made while going through this pathway. I only have more than ten minutes left! I hope I can still make it!

I flinched when I heard a sudden honking of a car and stopped walking.

"Hop in," Caden ordered.

Even I don't like the driver because it's him, I still hop in the car. I have no choice and I need to be practical during these times. I went in the passenger seat.

"Don't ever think that this has a meaning," he said as he drove off.

I raised my brows and scoffed. "Meaning? Are you nuts? Besides, I don't care about you. I just don't have a choice."

It looks like this guy has his head filled with air based on what he thinks and speaks.

I finally arrived at school. I quickly head out the car and rushed inside the school, ran until I reached our classroom.

"Good morning, Ms. Martinez."

I was startled when my teacher greeted me with her brows raised. I felt awkward and embarrassed knowing that my adviser arrived here first.

"G-Good morning. . ." I greeted back.

"Take your seat."

After that, I went straight to my seat and her discussion resumed. This is my first time to be late in this school year. Sucks.

As hours passed by, I can't seem to focus on anything and nothing absorbs in my brain. This is because of having lack of sleep and skipping breakfast. I feel so hungry right now.


Finally, after infinite hours! Break time! Oh my gosh, my head hurts together with my stomach and it was gurgling. I rest my head on the table, thinking what's up this time why are these misfortunes happening to me. And this is not funny.

"Cass!" It was Josephine's voice.

I can feel their presence, standing right in front of me.

"What happened to you?" AJ asked.

"Sleepless and hungry. I don't have any food with me right now," I muttered.

I lifted my head and saw them right in front of me while giving me a worried look in their faces.

"What do you want? We will buy you some?" Josephine offered.

"Nah, it's okay. Going to our canteen is such a hassle."

Then I got back from resting my head on the desk. I felt a hand gently touching my head. I'm sure that it was Josephine's because it feels warm and soft. It made me feel sleepier.

After a few moments, I heard Josephine screamed.


In my shock, I quickly lifted my head and my mind went panic.

"What? Why? What happened? Disaster?" I shuddered.

"There's someone looking for you!" she shrieked.

What's with her? It's like she saw a popular celebrity.

I'm scratching my head, wondering as I stood up from my seat and head out my room. My eyes widened as I saw that person she was referring to.

"Y-You?" I asked in shock.

"Hi, Cassandra," he greeted me.

Caden? What is he doing here? I'm shocked and confused while still looking at him.

"Who is he, Roma? He's so handsome!" Josephine giggled.

"And wait, he looks familiar," she whispered afterwards.

I looked at them individually. Josephine and Jeyra was staring at Caden in awe like they were starstrucked. Evan looks annoyed, while AJ looks confused and had no idea what was going on.

And I noticed that he's already stealing everyone's attention who passed by here. I'm just staring at him with my eyes widened, while he's just raising his brows at me.

"Here's your food," Caden said as he handed me a paper bag. Then I peeped on it and saw that there's a plastic food container inside.

"Hi. You must be Cassandra's friends?" Caden greeted them.

"Ah, yes! Yes, we are," Josephine answered like an excited idiot.

"Still remember me?" he suddenly asked.

Josephine wrinkled her forehead and thought for a while. Then she widened her eyes and gasped.

"Wait, are you that guy's friend at the convenience store the last time?"

Caden smiled and nodded as a response.

"Oh my gosh," Josephine gasped in surprise.

"So, if you don't mind. May I have your friend for a while?"

After he said that, Caden pulled me at a corner, a bit far away from them.

"What? Why are you even here?" I queried.

"Do you think I even wanted to be here? I'm just forced, for Pete's sake. My dad told me to do this so I don't have a choice. I passed by his office because it's my vacant and told me to bring that to you. I agreed because I need something from you," he explained.

My forehead wrinkled, "What do you want?"

"We're going somewhere later."

I widened my eyes at him. "Seriously? And where are you going to take me, huh?"

"I know that your classes end at four pm. Mine will end at five so let's meet after my class. Just tell me where I'm going to pick you up."

"Wait, wait a sec. I'm asking why and where. I don't want to go with you without any definite reason."

He sighed, "Fine. I heard that Kiara will go out with some guy. And I want to follow them and you're going with me. Got it?"

I raised my brows. "So, I'm going with you as a stalker?"

He didn't answer me right away and just looking at me.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes, that's it. Call me a stalker if you want to. And you don't have a choice but to go with me."

"Wait, why do I need to go with you?"

"Remember our treaty?"

I heaved a sigh in disbelief. I guess I don't have a choice. He has a leash on me.

"Fine. I head straight home after my class," I stated.

"Great. I'll fetch you around 5. Okay?"

I just nodded as a forced response to him.

Caden was about to walk away when Josephine suddenly stopped him.


Caden stopped and turned around because of that.

"You're going to leave now?" she asked.

"Ah, yes. I still have classes after this," Caden answered.

"May we know your name and what's going on between you and Cass? Are you her boyfriend?"

"Josephine!" I grunted while widening my eyes at her.

Caden laughed before he answered. "Caden Morgenstern," then he looked at me, "And what do you think?"

I widened my eyes at him while feeling a bit nervous.

"Yes, I am," he affirmed.

My eyes bulged and my jaw dropped from what he said.

"What are you—" I was to go hysterical when Caden cut me off.

"They deserve to let them know, honey. I know you're shy, but it's okay," he stated with his arm around my shoulder and smiling sarcastically at me.

Josephine and Jeyra shrieked and giggled, while AJ and Evan looked shocked.

I was dumfounded and devastated from what he did. I was left speechless and my brain felt shut down.

"Anyway, I have to go. Nice meeting you, guys," he told my friends with a smile.

"See you later, hon," he said sarcastically with a smirk.

I can't utter a word and my chest felt tight. Honey? Honey, my foot. This is not included in our agreement, you stupid-ass jerk. I'm gripping my fists and clenching my jaw. You'll pay for this, Caden.

"Roma Cassandra, you have a lot of things that you need to tell us," AJ stated while her hands were on her waist.


"What was Caden's age?"

"Where, when, and how did you meet?"

"How did you end up together? Since when?"

My goodness. They're asking me like I'm some criminal who was under investigation. Our classes just ended and we're walking through the exit gate.

"Wait! Slow down a bit with your questions. I can't answer it all at once," I complained.

"How did you end up together?" Josephine queried.

"That's right. He's that guy's friend on the convenience store the last time, right? What was that? After that incident, he fell in love with you so he looked for you to become his girlfriend?" Jeyra meddled.

I'm just frowning while they're looking at me like they're waiting for me to say or explain something. I sighed upwards then shook my head and touched my forehead. I don't know what or how would I answer. Everything felt like in a fast forward to me and I can't follow.

From that ice pick incident, then having a fiancé and a boyfriend that was against my will. I felt crying inside.

"Roma." I looked at Jeyra when she called me. Then she pointed somewhere in front of us so we looked at where she was pointing at.

Josephine gasped, "It's Caden! He's here to fetch you, Roma!" she giggled.

He's standing right there, leaning on his car that was parked over there, while his arms were crossed against his chest. What is he doing here? I thought we'll be going later.

I quickly walked towards him while my friends were just next to me.

"What are you doing here? I thought we'll be going later?"

"Well, we don't have classes anymore so I went straight here," he answered.

"I'm here to fetch you now, honey," he jested while giving me a taunting smile.
