20: the issue

It’s already break time and my friends just passed by here for a while because I told them that I’m not coming with due from being busy with my ‘teacher’s pet’ stuff.

I’m currently checking my classmates’ notebooks in our English subject if their notes were complete this quarter. The reference that I’m using was my notebook because my notes are complete and it was even checked by my English teacher herself.


I lifted my head up when someone called me then I quickly put my attention back to what I’m doing.

“What?” I asked.

It’s Jana Tejano who called me. She’s standing right in front of me, together with her two friends.

Jana is our Class President and our class rank two. And she’s with Shaina Ybiernas, the Class Vice-President and our class rank four, and Inalyn Reyes, Class Treasurer and class rank eleven.

I’m also a class officer by the way. I am the Class Secretary.

“The other handsome guy that was visiting here every break time. . .” Jana blurted.