Chapter 15

Chapter 15

“I got a hypothesis for this phenomena.” Alliston blurted out while scanning on to the book that she has been reading ever since the phenomena regarding the underworld goddess occur.

“Spill the tea.” Destiny being always grumpy in the group said that made the others shook their heads.

“Well I have been reading this book for a while now, and it has been stated here that if the goddess isn’t reach or inside the perimeter then the crystal flower wont lit the way it did when she is near.” Alliston smartly stated.

“So, you were saying that the goddess isn’t near? Is that it?” Theresa asked.

Alliston nodded her head simultaneously, “Exactly, maybe the goddess isn’t here.” She said.

The rest of the supreme council fall into a deep thought. Trying to connect each and every pieces just to complete the puzzle.

“Or maybe, the goddess isn’t fully awake or even not aware at all.” Mildred said.

Confusion emitted to the ret of the council.